Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Peter Richards

11:45 AM (0 minutes ago)

to me
Cannabis use is a problem because it causes people to become whores, and it's a choice... whereas homosexuality is not a choice... it's becoming accepted as generally correct, or as correct as it's inverse, heterosexuality... and none of the queer community use cannabis, except where for them, it's medicinal, for others they're fools to put others at risk by using it.

-And which animal is this one...
-Marmaduke, marmalot, oh shucks I know this one. Did I get it?
-Sure, sure, absolutely spot on, sire.

-Why didn't you hook up with us romantically Peter, and save a lot of people, a lot of pain and suffering and avert some serious tragedies.
-Yeah, Peter, you should have really done that.

"♫ Born under a bad sign"

-Did Petrol read the Shaker Furniture compendium?
"The master craftsman did not go down. He said 'darn you rapscallions to hell'"*