Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Friday, August 9, 2019
I have,by this point, written about a scenario, explaining why I present it as ‘of the utmost importance’, as I find myself truly defeated by many things. That with the help, indeed of multitudinous actors, each highly independently responsible, as I, to my the best of my ability, continue to work to illustrate what is perhaps the epitome of a miscarriage of justice, with, by course, all its requisite contributing factors being extant (which constitute, I wager, plenty for detractors to latch onto, with whichever motive, or cause contributing to their opposition, and allegedly, ‘less than contrived’ reaction to whatever aspects of this are brought to their attention, in whatever manner). I have attempted to toe the line between an overly succinct conveyance of a situation which has been ongoing for well over a decade, with potentially direct influence to be had, theoretically, upon the lives of many other people, that fails to respect its complexity,and which I will assert is to some degree indivisible from the context of my early life, and family life, and going overboard in providing details, as well as analysis based in disciplines such as psychology or philosophy which I can’t reasonably expect my audience to take the pains to fully comprehend.
I have realized a consistent factor contributing to results equates to what may be called a ‘status quo bias’. As I have written previously: What is essential, and indeed, would represent something of an abomination, is the effective, and ultimate, perpetuation of specifically that status quo of my being ill, suffering, and being hindered, on many scales, in my attempts to be productive, both through direct as well as indirect, means, to name just one example of which ‘status quos’ are being preserved, that is, under whatever auspices, or due to whichever motives, explicit or implicit. Maybe the perpetuation of that ‘status quo’, to the extent it is so that it is being perpetuated, is somewhat a function of the perpetuation of other status quos, which, again, may be rationalized in whatever manner (something I have discussed and will continue to elaborate, referring to ‘the ends justifying the means’, and of course, that that is actually so, objectively, is something I both doubt, and debate, herein and otherwise).
Trying to establish the idea that underlying facts, proclamations from whatever ostensibly worthy, or reliable, source of authority aside, support that the individuals involved, if not the majority of the populace at large (something that would be immaterial to my arguments, per se), provide, as manifested in their activities, involving these behaviors that, by course, affect me, and my life, however represented, ultimately, demonstrate psychological problems; accordingly, I have attempted to reference some terms and concepts from the discipline of psychology. Likewise, I do it as a means of elaborating upon what I have observed as the demonstration, by specific individuals (many of who I have named) of poor character qualities, a lack of ethics, ultimate failures to utilize logic, as manifested in actions, that, for one thing, demonstrate how both the creation of ‘norms’, and the application of wisdom deriving from an idea that specific ‘norms’ necessarily represent ‘sense’ rather than something rather more base. It’s more than distinguishing between what is viewed as sensible, or relatively so, and what actually is, although that, as the idea that innovations can never happen if people fabricate evidence, or rely on hearsay, to determine that such couldn’t be, shouldn’t be investigated as being such, or should be suppressed as automatically as possible, through implementation, in policy, of reactionary ideals, is still a basic idea of import, that one would have hoped it would seem likely more would understand, particularly, more influencing others, in society, however these social orders actually came to be constructed.
One such idea is the ”fallacy of composition”, which I understand is when a process of ‘reasoning’ equates to believing that because people can do some things right, the other things they are doing are right. Again, this is phrased in a positive light, and given a more rosy connotation saying it’s ‘efficient’, or that ‘likelihood’ is being employed, and thus, conveying that it is ‘rational (enough)’, as I have alluded to. Of course, I too would like to shed light on some indicators of my ability, generally, to build credibility, but as I have said, it has been determined, seemingly, that ‘normal’ is right, meaning what most people do. Innovation is being quashed, for one thing, which has resulted in the facilitation of innovations being coopted and the credit and distinction along with it, resulting in further entropy, and a suppression of further innovation. Nor do these things, for what it is worth, demonstrate that I am perfect. I know I am far from it. I suffer from an at least fairly serious ailment, and I don’t believe I was raised with very good influences, for what it’s worth. I have, however, been placed, as fate would have it, in very difficult predicaments, that are nearly intractable, with almost no support, or where it has seemed to exist, little support that isn’t threatened by the very nature of the situation as it encompasses the history of the affair and its contextualization in society, as it were. To reiterate my initial point, the idea that the passing of courses, attaining of positions such as professorships, or the other specific professions attained by the specific individuals I have mentioned, indicate they are acting reliably, or in a sane, just or rational way, very much can be seen as a huge problem of bias, at work, and indeed is a vehicle for rationalization of other biases individuals, or groups, might retain.
The “IKEA effect” could be said to represent a form of an “escalation of commitment”. It’s something that might be applied to view, and to understand, either the actions of authorities at large, in the history of this debacle, or those of specific individuals, namely Michael Schilsky (as would be obvious, if the situation were as I describe, although people might say, ‘look, it shows how preeminent Dr. Schilsky is, there must be a good reason, and he must be right’), or the psychiatric community, whose work funds the psychotropics manufacturers, and of course, it’s as if they couldn’t possibly, for one thing, downplay the severity of side-effects of what they administer, with varying degrees of correctness, or appropriateness (ostensibly), in order to administer those medications with more ease, to empower themselves, bulwark against risk of being held accountable for wrongdoing, etc.
I have mentioned how it seems there was an instance of bias present in the ‘convenience sampling’ of a group of medical patients found, by a study I referenced, not to have Wilson’s Disease, who that very finding served to objectively, in the eyes of the physicians who claimed so, because they ‘didn’t have WD’, show that patients without WD were ‘accurately’ not being considered to even potentially have the disease. Another concept elaborated as a problem in abnormal psychology I have noted, in those doctors I have specifically interacted with who treat the aforementioned disease, is ‘illicit transference’. The idea that the cadre of people already diagnosed with WD represents the exact analogue, not as stated explicitly, but as conveyed through other assertions, of ‘those people who have WD’. This came through with the assertions that I was ‘too well’ compared to their other patients, what I also consider a ‘framing effect’, in the sense that it anticipates that I believe myself a victim of medical malpractice, and refutes it by flatly stating not enough harm has been done (so, instead of considering if doctors’s actions would have harmed anyone, or if the actions of physicians have taken my life from a course of being quite healthy, and maybe well-off, and made it nearly the polar opposite, the physicians will maintain how ill their other patients are, and of course, we need doctors to treat the sick, something I will touch on below). I have also, in previous writings, conveyed a theory that WD may be misconstrued to be a genetic condition if, for example, something like mold infiltration in the body was providing a vehicle for the Cu molecules preventing the elimination thereof. I also proposed that even if it were genetic, as is the established belief most do accept, it might be by far the most sound practice in medicine to provide treatment to patients who show signs of problems with Cu toxicity consistent with the zinc ‘maintenance therapy’ provided to some WD patients, such as because they may have, simply, an earlier stage of the disease than which diagnostic methods detect. I, also, have mentioned how it is that, by course, claiming certain people are delusional for thinking they are being affected negatively by the Cu they ingest is beyond irresponsible, and can present unique and overwhelming challenges to the subject of such proclamations, as to those, if any were, tasked with understanding why truly those claims are being made. Along with this, I noted, importantly, how the accepted scientific outlook had progressed to include people in the eighth-decade of life to be Wilson’s-Disease-positive, meaning, having a diagnosis if considered less than ‘a death sentence’, considered to represent ‘a horrific disease’ specifically because, I would say, when diagnosed it has progressed so far, in all cases, where in previous decades, all patients with Wilson’s Disease were considered to have little chance of surviving beyond the age of thirty. What it seems this must mean is that at age thirty, cognitive and other challenges may have presented due to what would later be seen to have been the progression (of the etiology) of the disease with which they would be, later in life, such as after age 70, diagnosed.
I don’t have the statistics on how many people diagnosed today, and, for that matter, yesterday, with Wilson’s Disease, end up needing extremely costly care, a liver transplant, for example. The costs to society of liver transplants are extremely high, donors are in short supply, and even living donors are used to save the lives of people who have Wilson’s Disease. I think it’s fair to extrapolate this has something to do with how late the disease is found, and although no one can ever be (held) responsible for this, ostensibly, because there’s some massive pitfall inherent in the idea of finding a way of potentially diagnosing more people with WD, aside from ‘that they don’t have it (necessarily, because the tradition isn’t to diagnose them)’, and aside from any gut-instinct that physicians, individually or at large, may have , that they have been doing it correctly, and should maintain the course (and gut instincts that they are capable people, their licensure protects people fairly well, where they see a way to argue that, and to, ultimately, win the argument, whether or not presenting accurately objective truths). This it seems would facilitate the more timely treatment of those individuals who later in their lives become gravely ill due to the effects of Cu toxicity. I am not sure if the reason is that people who have free-copper readings such as I have had of 30ug/dL “might have eaten something” as Thomas Schiano conveyed to me, but apparently, that’s the sort of thing that is standing in the way of what ostensibly could be progress, so far as I, at the least, have understood. (Although, to reiterate the fact, some may say it’s the unreliability of the serum copper reading, of which I can find no substantiation, for the article I mention above seems to offer the type of evidence that is used to determine serum copper is inaccurate, but taken in the proper widest-lens view of the context, also seems to make little to no sense; also, indeed, otherwise, it may be said the problem is the, from what I have seen, undocumented proclivity for serum ceruloplasmin readings to read artifically low, rather than artificially high).
It may be to many physicians’ chagrin, but it’s neither reasonable, objectively, nor ethical for others to fail to acknowledge that, even if they wouldn’t enjoy this job themselves, the liver transplantations, along with things like gallbladder-excisions, if nothing else, bolster the bottom lines of hospitals and medical practices. What-would-be the ultimately ignorant lionization of specific physicians should not cloud the rationale behavior of others in order to maintain a status-quo thanks to which physicians, if subconsciously, maintain yet another status-quo that could be seen to create a higher demand for those services they have undergone training to provide, and which such increasing demand, in their view, may provide them with enhanced powers, fiscal and otherwise.
A theme of the discussion, as I present it, as with the comments of those who I believe are guilty of what are, in truth, inhumane actions, be they seemingly banal, and my accusations of such, if facilely ignored, oftener than not, is the idea of ‘common sense’. Common sense is cited by persons such as psychiatrists to justify their behavior, has been cited by Edward Richards in court, in one of those several cases where he sought to relieve me of my rights. That and many other things that are said, in their context, on the other hand, can be refuted by common sense indeed. In fact, interestingly enough, usually it is implicitly or explicitly conveyed that the ‘likelihood’ is that ‘common sense’ indicates what a little or great (or nonexistent) ‘likelihood’ of something happening, actually, or something representing truth, which idea, I argue, constitutes a reliance on contingent factors, only being something a contingent has formed with an interest in doing. While, for others, to reiterate something I have written previously, the point seems to have something to do with failing to question anything (but my own competence, or the competence of persons who may be victims of others’ abuse, for example, thus ratcheting, necessarily, the implications or effects of abuse upon said subject), failing to ‘bite the mouth that feeds’, perhaps, or ‘faking it until they make it’, making money ‘I (or they) need’ or succeeding in some task I may feel a need for my own self to succeed at, is not what would be the underlying, if subconscious, motive (where I am presumed to be less than completely ignorant of the context in which I exist), upon which I ask, to make a determination. This again, precludes, or would preclude, a tendency to show a bias to the status-quo, and to perpetuate plausibly any and all circumstances related to the status quo, excepting, of course, in attempt with relation to one’s own degree of empowerment, fiscal and otherwise (which implies relatively speaking, in that social context). Thus, there’s an emphasis on ‘common’ by these people who have manipulated the problems of humankind, as I believe I have shown, to wield power, when, of course, nor do they have the capacity to wield it responsibly, and it’s not really sense. When I would allude to ‘common sense’ it emphasizes ‘sense’ that people might exercise to determine what is such for themselves.
Speaking of this, and acknowledging those texts I am aware of, some of which seem to resemble law, I will note again, where psychology itself, doesn’t at all uphold the behavior, be it widespread of psychiatrists, who, of course, we should acknowledge, can, or could, potentially, with their own motives, wield, opportunistically, their field or discipline, and assertions made ostensibly not only according to it, but according to what is legal, ethical, sane, and just, logical and scientific, much like one would wield a weapon. (Aside from noting, again the psychological problems many of them may have, for example, from being less than popular when younger in grammar school, socially not accepted, and how that might lead them to have a predilection toward demonstrating things have changed, which could lead to their, for example, either being accessories to forms of torture, or for directly torturing people, simply because they opportnistically act, for on thing, upon what is effectively, an alibi).
“Normalcy bias” ( is the belief that disasters are likely to happen much less often than do they occur; not to say, to a psychiatrist, a disaster of the sort that surely, according to what is physically possible in reality, might befall someone, occurs to anyone. It’s as though, it has seemed to me, given that particular professionals with whom I have dealt, where it’s not a disaster for them, that is concerning whatever is being done by figures of authority, it can’t be wrong, and truly such for someone else. You might even say, they are feeling good, given the status-quo, so, according to them it’s not potentially an abuse of power to assert that the status-quo is good, so anyone else, has to be viewed as aberrant, and diseased, without any other corroborating evidence, who disagrees. This is something I think people with creative capacities manyin the sciences lack, show they have a much handier capacity to showcase essential human characteristics like empathy, and even a sane outlook, based on reality, that is contingent, that is to say ‘could be anything’. As ‘the allegory in the cave’ maintains, people are limited in their perspectives necessarily. The metaphors stands for the less-than-omniscient perspective that is the only standpoint a human being can ever sanely recognize his or her self as retaining. On this note, I will relate that, as I related earlier, I had been subject not only to people like my parents, disregarding preemptively, any portion of what I said that they felt others would disregard, which I see as a form of ‘sub-logic’, but to being hacked very often while using my computer, as in a larger sense, somehow events tend to lead to the destruction of all progress I make in my life, toward some of the goals we all seem to share: having true freedom, independence, health, at the least, financial stability. Just now I have noticed that, well, maybe after all of this havoc stemming from the eviction led to my relaxing my passwords, a drawing I had on Linkedin has been removed. I was hacked on other social media services I have related. Although, most tragic, perhaps, have been the conspicuous, if potentially technically legal, as it were, actions of social media companies. After many citations of Graham Greene’s ‘The Comedians’ detailing life in an unbelievably repressive regime, a ‘third world country’ that you might think, from talking to some people I have, has as little to do with parts of the so-called ‘first world’ as the societies of bonobos do with the same, that totalitarianism perpetrated by ‘Papa’ Doc Duvalier, were summarily removed, eventually, as anyone reading this may know, the entire site was deleted. Along with ‘The Comedians’, another case where ‘fiction is strange enough compared to what these people consider, and affirm, if obliquely, must be the truth that it’s telling’ is Greene’s ‘The Human Factor’ where the plot relates how a member of Great Britain’s intelligence community is poisoned by his superiors, as it is related, in a case of mistaken identity, for being a double-agent and communist, with the rationale that going through the court system was too public. So, while these social media networks could provide not only for free speech, within the bounds of the law, and generally provide a collective intelligence that could sort through havoc and recognize what are truly, if unrecognized, entrenched problems in society, functioning to reveal the truth, rather we have them monopolized and then the responsibility abused, as plausibly rationalized in whichever way. In fact, Google+ was taken down in spite of Google-drive offering a gigabite of storage to anyone who signs up. So, they simply took down a service which allowed people to publicly store things, rather than privately store them, which seems to make little sense. I will also note, at this point, that when I was communicating with an entity called ‘Equip for Equality’ in Illinois that could provide some type of legal support, if nothing very powerful, against my dilemma, ostensibly, and being wrongfully medicated, Google+ at that time, happened to attempt to charge me $20 to use my email I happened to be using whilst communicating with the representative from that association, twice, the second time being after I had already paid the twenty dollars once. Soon after that, many images including those I had linked to in emails disappeared (and at some point between August 2018, and now, still more of the photos I had saved, including the photos of the materials I had removed from my ear, were all, somehow deleted from my computer, not the first time various image files had simply disappeared into thin air, in spite of my making considerable efforts to protect my information, almost always, in spite of my health problems which surely make such things harder, unplugging my computer from the wired network terminal I used when I wasn’t actively using it, etc.).
It’s the disregard of the kinds of minutiae involving the possibilities we can recognize from reading fiction, for example, (as opposed to being indoctrinated by what other people are doing as if we were zombies) and of nuance, in general, I have also wondered if might be best classified along with autism, or best classified with many people who have, or are diagnosed with some disorder best related, for the sake of conciseness, the autism spectrum disorder. When, again, whether or not others view that if they were to recognize certain truths, it would force them to act differently, how individuals ignore specific facts, such as whether something has indeed been disproven, or merely, that that thing has failed to be proven (according to whatever accepted conditions, for example). This happens to have to do with something called ‘the congruence bias’. It’s typical of the behavior of those psychiatrists I have encountered, for if they can, for example, say someone is delusional about being a victim of abuse (because others weren’t or where they might have been, haven’t managed to get their complaints widely recognized) they are, therefore, not being abused. They would claim they don’t behave this way; however, in this instance of my dealing with particular psychiatrists, again, whoever they might threaten, in whatever means for failing to respect that they have been accurate, for example, evidence abounds of psychiatrists doing so. Also, it’s manifest in the herd-behavior of individuals such as many of those I have encountered who are in possession of medical degrees, and some who I have mentioned in previous writings, relating to me, or others that it’s sound to apply to the scenario a logic stemming from that idea ‘if you hear hoofbeats…’ Not to say, once more, the metaphor is apt. Rather than debate that, I would propose a more appropriate aphorism, for those who can ‘read the writing on the walls,’ would be that related by asking ‘if a tree falls in the forest, does anyone hear it (do so)?’
To the narcissist, or the ‘control freak’ (wiki/Control_freak) it’s not their concern to hear ‘the tree falling’, or to know if ‘the tree fell’, although they may assert, propagating the ‘moral credential effect’ also known as ‘self-licensing’ they are the types who would hear ‘its falling’, if it did. In school where, ostensibly, , particular physicians who have disagreed with me, and according to my claims, have injured me grievously, earned those reputations of having expertise, or displaying excellence, as ostensibly they have rightfully earned such through practice, they have, in their eyes, developed experience. Being precise is the ostensible cause of success, achievement, and acquisition of prestige, both in school and in the workplace. Yet, in this scenario, alarmism, arguably along with the dehumanization of myself, accompanied by a failure to hear me, and utter discouragement of my speaking about, for one thing, my experience due, somewhat, to, you might say, the seriousness of having committed, on the part of one’s self or of others, has led to precision and correctness being eschewed as important, objectively. Yet, such terms being applied to whatever is done by those who reputedly correctly earned the preeminence they have exercised, or manipulated, remains the norm, while the castigation of my own self for having any problems of any sort such as medical, or psychological , any difficulties, etc. seemingly involving my having conceded that I face challenges, such as resulting from past what-would-be-abuse, also persists.
I argue that, basically, stated, sloppiness, is especially bad for a person who is ill if you who are inclined to presume things, to any extent, let alone to a great and escalating degree, thanks to circumstances, are controlling their lives This would be so whether or not those taking control feel they’re forced to make a choice, whether or not they feel they’ve ‘gone with the odds’, or a best guess they or most others will make. It’s a following of certain precedents, as if they represent all precedents, and I argue inherent therein is the creation of absurd rationales, which to cite another more rudimentary way of describing what is happening, has to do with persons believing things are true because they say they are true. By extension, as it happens, because of the nature of the otherwise contingent circumstances, the more people do this, the more harmful the effect of each person’s misrepresentation, and the more all involved tend to believe themselves competent, and responsible, while, it merely represents, like the slavish adherence to ‘norms’ would, something which might be termed “ochlocracy”, or “mob-rule”, that is something else masquerading as ‘justice originating in reason stemming purely from reality’ because many people are involved, which has more to do with authoritarianism, than it has to do with (the ideals of) democracy.
I believe a lot of the sentiment is akin to the sentiment of those who advocate for communism. In effect, this is a situation wherein I am deserving of first of all, support, which would, I have claimed, be a manifestation of honesty, yet the activities of others, rather, work to limit any degree to which I might be rewarded for being correct, receiving restitution, have their consequences. Namely, indirectly, as a result of the more direct interference with what-would-be-justice having a reasonable chance of being carried out, causes the affirmations of, for example, the psychiatrists I have seen, to function like ‘self-fulfilling prophecies’ (let’s say, if I weren’t a victim of that insanity of my, as it were, abusive, parents, and could have a chance to be free from the injuries they help to inflict upon me, and somehow collected the funds to recruit a lawyer or firm to represent me, and sue, that is if all the doctors treating WD weren’t ultimately making dishonest assertions, as I have described, how different the circumstances I faced would be, and would have been).
So, anyone reading and discussing this may, if not reciting the following verbatim, claim ‘maybe communism is right’, then (for what it’s worth). While at the same time, the rich (in funds, in recognition) leverage these resources, or types of capital, and get richer, or acquire, as it were employing my person, my statements, or my work, strategic empowerment, and then, as it happens, as I have described, the evidence of what specifically leads to these outcomes grows thinner, as these things proliferate which happen to consist of events that are calamitous to my person, my health, and my prospects. That is to say, the idea of ‘might makes right’ we see here, is truly anarchy, and people who are claiming to be strictly enforcing a policy to the detriment of the empowerment of the insane are clearly, objectively, massively hypocritical, when, whatever their intents and understandings, or inherent limitations, et. al., they are accomplishing the specific ends that they are, through their interventions and activities.
I feel, again, that what I have somewhat painstakingly described, if any could find the presence of mind to comprehend the full scope of what I am attempting to relate, shows that the reality can be seen to be most likely accurately represented by acknowledging that people have been indeed hacking me, as I have vouched, and deleting the things I publish. I feel a lot of these things indicate, likewise, inconvenient truths about our society: how if not sexual-favors, bizarre bonding rituals, undermine more of what is recognized as success academically than what is objectively demonstrated as salient capacity in a discipline. This is aside from the outsized role played by things like familial support, or, conversely, how one may ‘fit in’ only as an outlier within, for example their own family, let alone society, speaking of where ‘norms’ are construed as almost exclusively important, who may be significantly more intelligent and capable of cognitive tasks than most or all who pass judgement on them, but are grouped with those of the lowest ability of cognitive tasks, through utilizations of simple, facile, or essentially flippant admonitions, along with what are highly ill-considered pronouncements.
I think that the unfortunate truth has to do with that scientists express something in a tone (of voice, otherwise, a tone communicated by diction, et. al.) that others then perhaps understand to be a challenge to them, and indeed, it would be so. The scientists thereby demand obeisance. There’s plausibly sometimes an element of sycophancy to the response, or perhaps simply what would be considered character flaws of people who have no true cause to agree, rooted in reality, but desire some aspect of the result their concordance works to provoke. When language has the ability to lay out specific ideas, and yet this is happening, as is indicated by the lack of a connection to reality, ultimately, in lieu of, as a true cause, having to do with that power granted to them by others who are equally fallible, there’s a problem, simply put. As I was saying before, things are like this, let’s say, and people may say, ‘well maybe it’s right that they are that way’ rationalizing what is happening, You might label, for example, something of that certain nature, ‘a kangaroo court’; well, if people, with some degree of authority, didn’t want it, who thought of themselves as worthy to do what they are doing, it would never happen.
That’s why I have mentioned that it seems maybe, for these physicians, ‘the ends justify the means’. Plausibly, there is a deliberate lie they may even think serves the greater good. As they, if they were to acknowledge injuries to me specifically, for example, of their actions, see them with rose-tinted-glasses. Of course, which reality they aren’t conceding, to allow a conversation about whether that is correct, because their methodology of doing that involves denying anything is in any manner askew. What I am describing functions, or would, as a recursive pattern, and won’t be interrupted until somehow people begin to acknowledge the lack of a logical basis for what is being done, the inequitable results, and understand the hypocrisy inherent in what would be the rationalization and validation of what is happening.
On the topic of my hobby of rock collecting, which has been heartily refuted by my parents to be anything resembling what is sane (and I am not sure they can accurately be said to care if it were, by the way) was a discovery I made that, in a rock I had broken, the varying colors, some matching the exterior, were shock-melt-veins; that is, it would explain the resemblance, the shock melt-effect resembling the color of the exterior due to both melting in the heat. These shock-melt veins interrupted the cracking of the stone I conducted with a cold-chisel, and the stone broke with planar faces at right angles, some showing what I concluded was the true colors of the exterior matrix, and some showing the remains of the split shock-melt vein which was more susceptible to cracking, hence why it broke in a plane nearly perpendicular to the direction upon which the blow to split the stone came. Similar in coloration to those broken faces I identified as showing the matrix uncovered by shock-melt-’veins’ (they are called ‘veins’ because when cut, or visible from the outside of the stone you only see a cross-section of what are planar features, I take it), were bare spots on the stones exterior, as found, which revealed that inner ‘matrix’ through what seems to be the fusion crust, as described. (This is also the stone which was among those I afforded to send to Actlabs for testing, which was one of two stones I sent in, one of which was a granite, which although I failed to keep perfect records of which was which, seemed to be the granite, which is absolutely known to exist on the moon. However, people involved in prominent roles as academics in the meteorite community refute due to the higher likelihood they are terrestrial, or how low the chance is that they are lunar, the idea that they are lunar: what I see as a congruence bias, and it’s sort of like jumping to provide an answer, when really if better to provide an answer than to say nothing, it would be best to note the truth that it’s a known possibility, and more rational, as well as ethical). Such description of the sample has to do with my definition of ‘common sense’, and how I see it as something that can be used to ‘say what people can know’ themselves, that it’s a reasonably sound conclusion, rather than relying on the input, as if God made it so trained scientists were placed there so as to deceive us if they wish, for a specific purpose of course. (I made a link specifically for links to images of this rock, and further discussion of the rocks issue:
Another thing, I argue, which the changes I have mentioned made to the Facebook site, which resulted in effacement of the dates images and information were published, is the prior date of publishing to what I argue is a rather blatant knocking-off of my work, by Bjarke Ingels group and Barcode architects in the Sluishuis. Again, the taking down of Google+, which was my method for publicizing after I was literally harassed off Twitter, in my opinion, by what appeared to be bugs, most likely intentionally hampered by individuals involved in the company (and Google+ seemed to eventually harass me as well, I had several instances where ‘bugs’ led to, for example, my publishing empty posts which of course wasn’t typically possible, additionally, there were formatting conventions which, if they didn’t format correctly, and I clicked ‘edit’, ostensibly just a bug, would show multiples of every formatting notation I had originally written, causing me to waste time repairing it). These images have been on my facebook page for a long time, and now I have shared some of them on the blogger post with links to the photos I made here:
Once more, what is happening is ‘the rich get richer’, including those with degrees, gaining empowerment. Also, because of what’s happened, however you describe it (I have tried to attribute responsibility as faithfully as I could in previous writings), I wasn’t able to even consider applying to Harvard’s G.S.D. PhD program where I had visited admissions and been told my GRE scores were in line with someone who might have a fair expectation of being admitted. Well, I can’t say there would have been a guarantee I would have been admitted, nor that, if I had, I still wouldn’t have been plagiarized, but it might have allowed me to retain that credit for those innovations I have been responsible for, but because I was at risk of the terrible abuse and side-effects and malpractice accompanying what has been happening, instead I fled NH to Chicago, where I had many other problems to deal with, while, besides Massachusetts seemed to have an agreement with NH to honor the guardianship which had been delegated over my person.
Reminding me of some more things, that I think are of import, or at least interest, which were on my Google+ site, my dream of the throne room in the Giza pyramid, which, caveat emptor, I know many people will doubt it, and I blamed, at the time, the stress I was under, due to what I have explained, abuse for my not documenting that particular dream, when I documented many of them. It actually was dreamt by me before the news arrived, if I am not mistaken, in the media, that a hidden room was discovered in the great pyramid (fwiw). The analysis of the Paul Andreu terminal collapse (‘Five die as roof collapses at new Paris air terminal’ By Philip Delves Broughton in Paris 12:01AM BST 24 May 2004) . Therein the metal apparatus would have exerted a pull on the concrete, while expanding at a greater rate.That comprised of novel, to my eyes, analysis, after doing some research on the internet, and finding some other analyses of the features, but of course, it’s lost, once more, I would have to repeat my actions. Basically, the point of mentioning these things, and for example, the utility of actions like placing citations from Graham Greene’s ‘Comedians’ is that it allows for people to see for themselves, for example, the intelligence of others, rather than having to trust others, individuals, institutions and so on, to mediate the information for them.
That experience wherein I was caused to have an impetus to not apply to the GSD, is akin to Ed Richards trying to prevent me from having funds to file a patent by making me pay for the course I was signed up for, for what it’s worth. (Noting again, framing the incident without considering what I said, as some, it seems, will have a proclivity to do will acknowledge his ‘right’ to do these things). It wasn’t something again, when this bootcamp was agreed upon, that I was informed I would be using this money I was told by them I would have at my disposal, which I was paying to them as rent, to rent the room I am staying in that I was told I would contribute that money to. Seemingly, Edward simply got in a mood, as he always does, because he expects something specific, and becomes angry if he’s not respected, or given the strokes he desires, and decides to retaliate, as it were. I was told to go to work, and Ed Richards was picking up applications for Trader Joe’s, before they enjoined me to go to see Oliver Freudenreich, a psychiatrist whose name I have mentioned in an earlier writing, and who they have seen as they have gone to events held by the NAMI organization, who impressed them, for some reason. A member of his team, Dr. Corinne Cather, suggested I go to some sort of occupational counseling, or rehabilitation, with someone named Larry Kohn, who agreed with me that it wasn’t appropriate, or best, for me to be getting this type of baseline employment (at Trader Joe’s), and had suggested some still more expensive ‘bootcamp’ options than that web-programming ‘bootcamp’ course we found locally. Also, it’s reminiscent of when Ed W. Richards petitioned with Patrick Gilmartin to lock me away in a special home some ten years ago, before I went to Chicago, and, again, to reiterate, as I have described, according to all indications, continued to fall victim to what is criminality. That idea was nixed by the social workers at the Center For Life Management, by the way, as my mother, has maintained that I should be allowed to keep that money I intended to use for filing patents. I think this constitutes an effort by Ed Richards to at all costs, win against me, and dominate my life, and a continuation of his past efforts to the same effect. In fact, when, as I feel obliged to mention, I received the 135 on the IQ test administered by a psychologist by the name of Joseph, which, I note was after great stress being caused to me, and great disruption, indicating my parents had little to do with my success when I was younger (not to get into, for example, specifics about why my sisters may not have had the problems I had, eventually, or why they seemed comparably on a track to succeed, especially in the case of my older sister who graduated from Georgetown’s nursing school with a degree in public health, after beginning at American), Ed Richards told me his IQ was 135, which I still suppose to have been a fabrication he made, at the time (maybe no one will ever know).
I have worked to explain a lot of what has caused me to fail to fall out of the grasp of anyone whose actions would do me harm, and to attain more self-determination. Basically, I would state that what I have explained is sound, and should be believed, because it is like an equation. I would hope others could understand for example, that with the liver condition I have explained my reasoning for understanding that I have had, past and present, it would not make life easier, and not make it easier to escape, for many reasons, circumstances that presented a danger to me, a danger that I would then perhaps need help to escape, before I am injured still further. Likewise, the stress of being abused, as I describe, would create a massive disruption to one’s life that would serve, for those who labelled a person as insane, as more of a self-fulfilling prophecy at times. Likewise, that calling someone insane can be utilized by others to abuse the person whether or not that person is insane, in various manners. I also have tried to describe specifics alluding to when these things have happened to me, or seem to have.
I acknowledge that all these people, implicitly, acted in manners that not only did they think were right, as they would be bound to argue if presented with an impetus to answer my claims, tried to preserve ‘order’. However, simply put, abusive people not only theoretically may manipulate their own authority and that of others, but have, which, again, is shown, through facts establishing that. Thereby those facts have demonstrated that the authority isn’t being exercised in a way commensurate with what was rightfully attained. That is to say, the facts of the matter establish that the very references to licensure, really have nothing to do with anything, excepting that something was attained, somehow. That which is then manipulated, with a result that people with problems, for devoting themselves, as people involved in organized crime devote themselves to their associations, to tasks, whatever they may be, centered on attaining empowerment, then must be able to control the establishment of facts, to their hearts’ content. Take for example, the ideas that I am both insane and attempting to conduct medical care upon myself: the reason I am insane is ostensibly having much to do, as it has been professed in the past, if not by Oliver Freudenreich, as I previously explained, my caring to oversee my own medical care, and the reason I shouldn’t be overseeing my own medical care, always had something to do with the idea that I was insane, for example, to find fault with physicians, when, as I have noted, the activities of physicians, involved due to whatever cause, in my care, would have worked to my enormous detriment, and indeed has, making it much more difficult for me to both have and demonstrate success in doing so, to whatever degree I engage in conducting my own medical care (not to say they have been alone, and, again, these ostensibly, and presumed, by others, sane actors, aren’t, have been believed to be at best as a result of something of a herd-mentality, and, according to the cold, hard facts, are driven by aberrant personality traits, if common, meaning it’s but a contingent reality that they are ‘sane’, or represent sanity, some sane portion of the populace, and did so, initially, or after I was proclaimed not to represent such).
Things like this have, contributed to enormously, if not directly leading to the incredibly injurious, and the painful and unceremonious event of my being evicted from the apartment I ended up, partially for reasons I have described in previous writings, squatting at as I hoped I could help, and be helped, to solve some of the trenchant problems derived from what I have deemed tremendous injustices, specifically such which would have haunted anyone subject to them, and which indeed have haunted me. It’s a very difficult position to find yourself in, to mention moments where you feel something somewhat incapacitated you. Whether it’s simply a massive amount of stress built up over many years, the lasting disenfranchisement relative to what, if people hadn’t been what they were, might have occurred in your life becoming exorbitantly painful, something having to do with toxicity experienced whether of a pathological origin, or otherwise. However, it’s simply the situation at this point, and I thought it was worth explaining again, in the context of what I have been writing, how it was also easier to imagine I wouldn’t be evicted because people would read the information, much of this nature, I had published on social media accounts, who were, in short, better people than those involved in my ‘care’ or who have meddled in my life previously, with the result that I wouldn’t be evicted, than to find new housing (for certain reasons, a significant challenge, without many of the obstacles presented me, I argue). Of course, I have said ‘if hindsight were twenty-twenty’ I would have known to focus more on moving, and not lose what I thought was of such great value, especially those rocks I had collected which seemed most valuable, or likely to be of significant value, to me (for reasons I have touched upon in a more in-depth nature, previously). Indeed, being hacked constantly, I felt I was likely being constantly monitored online. I complained that this seemed to be the case, and also feared the apartments I was reluctantly able to find that would accept an application, would be applied to by someone else as I applied, such as with better credit. Call it a ‘conspiracy theory’ but it’s not that outrageous to believe I would be unwanted, or that people might want to do me the harm of evicting me, whether or not desiring to steal those rocks, which have disappeared, according to all evidence I have. Additionally, I felt I couldn’t be sure I would not be, as soon as I packed my things, brought to a mental hospital. Things like the reluctance to give up access to the organic food I felt I so needed, by moving farther away, at more affordable prices, contributed to the ultimately overwhelming frustration of the ongoing, situation, of course, the understanding of which has all been compounded by my understanding then, much of what I have argued in these letters. Again, not applying to more apartments than the single apartment I applied to, selling my bike, or even applying to city hall for rights to sell the rocks I had collected in spite of the fear it might provoke a reaction from law-enforcement that could be somewhat disastrous, in hindsight, didn’t succeed in preventing disaster by any means, but given the stress, it might be more understandable that I failed to move, given my account of much, if not all the circumstances, and understanding the kinds of thoughts that were going through my head at the time.
Continuing, on the topic of what is going on with my ear, since I’ve begun discussing that, and feel I need to continue to clarify and therefore expound upon the topic. Another concern of mine was, during that time that preceded the ‘utter disaster’ of my eviction, as it happened, focusing on removing the things I had felt were in my ear, or, perhaps, emerging into my ear canal (and I wondered if this could be the case, because of the drastic effects manipulating and removing this material seemed to have upon my condition). I documented much of this on Google+, and again, the photos I had were somehow deleted from my computer with a huge portion of my photos on my harddrive, as the memory cards from my camera were lost being in the same box the rocks I valued most were in, as were the samples I kept of what came out of my ears, being stored in the door of the freezer in zip-lock bags. Doubtless my theory would represent another what-would-be-loaded subject, and one that I could imagine some people would wonder why I mention publicly, seemingly not recognizing that physicians would claim it corroborates what they (the majority of professionals I have seen in the field) have said before because it once again is ‘unreasonable’ (and I would say it’s a narrowing of reality to say they would know of these things because all the physicians before them, when, for example, not long ago physicians didn’t know, for example, cigarettes were bad for people; also the shudders described as ‘myclonic’, to name one of many things, it seems are far from completely understood, especially in light of my own experience with shudders, and what clearly can contribute to their occurence). Many things I have described make me wonder what specifically is the best way to describe the physiology of what is happening. For example, before some of the objects that almost certainly appeared on my floor after coming out of my ear canal were observed by me, I was plagued by excruciating pain in a side of my jaw. How this could simply be the result of something being stuck, say, between my middle ear and outer ear where what would be my perforated eardrum is could lead to this is beyond me. Also, adding hydrogen peroxide and continuing to manipulate these objects could drastically affect my condition, my mood, my perception of personal well-being, to name another example. Hence, I wonder about this, and I do it, again, in spite of whether, for example, my parents believe, or whether I have found a physician who agrees with me that this material is in my ear. I understand something limited, but there’s no indication, which represents objective reality, that, as I may be cajoled to believe (as I have mentioned, you might say ‘gaslighting me’), I am only damaging my ear canal, or something like that, doing this.
Recently, spinning, whatever it was, the “material” as I call it, in my ear caused me pain in my neck and my upper left section of my back, which became quite severe, and lasted a few days. In the end, doing that more seemed to definitely contribute to remediating the same problem it had started, somehow, as I, based on past experience, figured it most probably would. This certainly preceded the onset of that pain, and was the only possible notable cause, realistically speaking, but still have my reasons for thinking that pain I experienced at certain junctures in the past, was caused by toxicity, as ingested.
Additionally, something like a tic, a shiver or shudder, prompted clearly by hydrogen peroxide entering the ear, it becomes much much more common after I had the hydrogen peroxide, or for that matter, ‘ear clear oil’ constiting of some herbal essential oils and olive oil. The same also eems to also induce stomach or intestinal ‘growling’/borborygmus at times. There are also, after I loosen the material in my ear, sensations that feel like a muscle constriction. I don’t know if the capabilities of the eustachian tube explain this, they seem to. So, in spite of my not understanding why this ‘material’ clogging my eustachian tube, as it were, isn’t falling out the back into the nasopharynx, why I don’t feel more ‘taste’ sensations as I sometimes do as a result of my introducing herbal essential oils and olive oil into my ear, it would seem I can’t rule this out. Also, at times, I experience sensations of pricks in the ear, namely the material which I also can hear as I manipulate it with tweezers, and feel moving, and of course, sense that nothing is being moved.
On another specific occasion, I experienced borborygmus when I couldn’t move the object in my ear, eliciting the noises I describe (tics, or ‘thrush’ sounds I can hear when the thing responds and moves), or feel the sensation, but a marked correlation existed with that and the stomach rumblings. On another occasion, I woke up, soon thereafter, after a day of having moved that object around, with the same ear feeling ‘flush’ with whatever object is in there, according to my experience of what is happening. On this day, for the first time I have, I forgot my computer’s power supply before I walked to the library, a fair distance of over a mile. As it happens, I seem to recall such occurrences, of mental-fogginess, when I previously dealt with prior iterations of ‘the material’ which, hopefully, I then removed. But it may somehow (further) impair my liver function, and cause that problem, since I am, at a baseline, susceptible to the effects of toxins in the air quality. That’s also why I hope to improve my well being, including overall cognitive function, the consistency of my cognitive capacity, etc., by removing this material.
This is why, in truth, these ‘scientific’ assertions, as made legally-binding proclamations, etc., represent nothing more than mudslinging. The very history relating precisely how it is that the ‘education’ designated by degrees and licensing may easily be, if not being, frankly, likely to be, merely the trappings of education. Thus, it’s these things that have led to, and represent, so to speak, when speaking of certain individuals’ proclivity for accuracy, and precision, and worthiness to have their decisions lead, or provide commands to others, including law enforcement, they’re ‘punching above their own weight’. Ostensibly, this is because what is effectively nothing more than poor advice was something these people feel they were both forced to provide, instructed to, and, additionally, obligated to deny was such. Poor advice, such as telling a person they don’t have WD, or extrapolating that the person is delusional if they persist, or have responses akin to reacting as though they are being abused, because the patient can’t know they are not delusional, ostensibly, although the doctors will not say it’s because the patients fails to acknowledge the chance they are delusional, but fails to acknowledge that it is certain, although to reach that conclusion they have made analogous assertions based on ‘what is likely’. That’s not to say, instructing me that I didn’t have WD, even touches on the problems of the various affirmations made by people who, it has been said, both were correct to say what they have said (whatever it was), but were better prepared to understand A. whether I might have WD (considering what should have been considered to be of the essence), and B. (ostensibly also) whether it’s generally allowable as responsible to acknowledge, if known to be true, that I might have WD.
Like I have said previously: on various scales activities of others are disruptive. Not mitigating the idea of the most serious implications of the most serious acts, even small disruptions and ruining a person’s concentration, for example, or their routine, can be massive in its effects. Disregarding however many people may be involved, or who might have had a proclivity to do the same, that is, speaking of the objective nature of the acts, not applying to contingent realities of what is the truth of, for example, many people’s characters. Likewise, disregarding the idea that they are (necessarily) good, or meet a certain standard, and therefore are reliable enough to have this say in another person’s life, to disrupt (or further disrupt) them, and label it ‘positive’ because it’s not negative enough to be against the law, or maybe I should say, something that the contextual society might be likely to pursue prosecuting. What is left is the sort of thing the psychologist, I would say, is supposed to deal with, as I noted, it was my opinion and affirmation that the central thesis of the discipline of psychology is that abuse results in causing problems for the abused, such as, which abusers might then, or typically would, I should say, identify as a ‘fault’, projecting responsibility for society’s failures on to those they abused, with whichever motives, or as inspired by whichever inherent belief, or conviction, of theirs.
If a psychologist isn’t taking into consideration the possibility that they themselves don’t understand, because they wish to doubt they lack the capacity to comprehend, the status of how society has organized itself up to a given moment, their interventions are bound to consist only of manipulating the context including the context of other persons in society, narcissistically. What this leads to is something diametrically opposite of what is supposed to be done in various fields, psychology and medicine. It’s also a way that, if subconsciously, groups and individuals can, whether blindly or anticipating who it is who might eclipse their own success, in whatever manner, if they weren’t to, if opportunistically, work to hinder that person’s progress toward achieving life, liberty, and happiness, as would be a rather inhuman trait to be found in some, if not all human beings, rather like a function of an overactivity of some aspect of the brain that represents something more like a reptile’s brain (I’ve read the work of a neurologist named Richard Restak, who compared the hippocampus to such), attack such targets (There would be some aspect of accuracy to what they are doing, in some cases, recognizing such a target, and yet, not a lot of accuracy in figuring out if it was something that was correct, even if they could rationalize it by never putting a ceiling on ideas like their own security, which would make it seem like they are guilty, and have that to hide). A lot of dedication to school work, or choice of various fields, as with cooperation between persons that transcends norms of honesty, and dignity, are things that necessarily don’t pay back society, for what a person, or persons have taken out, with whichever motives they have held, under whichever auspices they are operating.
Anyone could take these statements I make, in isolation, and thereby refute them quite easily, just as anyone can employ whatever words that are positive to describe their activities, and label, as negative, whatever someone else might do, not necessarily with any justification. The problems are so deep-rooted, the, basically, task of defeating the forces of malfeasance and abuse are nearly insurmountable. I have focused on the idea that it’s a contingent belief that the orders that come to police officers, whoever they may be, whether they’re people who clearly have an, if mild, variation of down-syndrome like two of the officers who brought me to the psych ward of St. Mary’s and Elizabeth’s on Chicago’s Division St. last December, of 2018, for example, come from a place of what is objectively sanity. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe famously said 'We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.' A lot of this stemmed from multiple sources, again, which apparently contributed to confidence, if nothing else, of psychiatrists, as I have stated, again, a low-standard, that seems to have more to do with opportunism, if it’s the norm (and if it is, that only supports what I am saying). After again, what I described at the Art Institute of Chicago’s AIADO program, where, eventually my mother called in to warn the teachers about me, after I had told them the teachers were abusive, and after the teachers acted after I implied to them I felt my parents were. Having much to do with what has been said, repeatedly by Bernice Richards, who can, now, not listen to me, and again, has gotten away with her role with impunity, for what I allege is the failings of a system and of specific individuals who either don’t care, really, or lack the intelligence to know what it is to care, and properly act in response to caring. There was an assignment I mentioned where I employed the board a clay model was to be built on to represent the level of the river. Had we been told initially, for one thing, I have thus far, failed to explain, that the bottom of the river had to be shown in clay, it would represent something else, but we absolutely were not instructed to build up from the bottom of the river. Common sense tells us, again, it’s not important to engineering the work, in any manner and a client might prefer a model with, for one thing, the river’s water represented, but it was enough to not only give me a poor grade, but to fail me. This in a course, where the co-professor with Linda Keane, Ellen Grimes, as I recall like it was yesterday, for what it’s worth, communicated to inform the class, while ‘instructing’ where she might be found out socially ‘at The Hideout’. Along with that, at other times, Ms. Grimes informed up how ‘she didn’t like people with “I am a rebel” written across their foreheads’, a proclamation that seemed to have it’s analogue in Linda’s assertion that “(the building) River City will have to work around us”, “us” clearing meaning the class, which of course, she was the head of, and if she was to behave like a lunatic, had confidence she would escape castigation for doing, for some reason, and I believe both have. All among what was deleted when Google’s defunct Google+ social network was removed, for what it’s worth. Along with the witness I eventually bore there, to a student who passed, Marcus Owens’ jumping at a party he was invited to by his ex-girlfriend, and undergraduate in the design program named Maria, the new boyfriend she brought, along with his friend he made from Pilsen, someone named J.J (which I was the first to attempt to stop, when I was menaced by Marcus, and no one came to my support at that time, of the SAIC students at this particular Halloween party off Milwaukee Ave just N of the Division triangle, so, if I am correct, in the end, they broke this individual’s jaw). Several other things I wished to get off my chest, on that blog that no longer exist, include a report of a classmate from Boston College who’s now a ‘rising star’ attorney in California, Bryan Landgraf, molesting a female who had gotten on a table to dance next to the two of us, and another Boston College grad, and former pal of mine, Brien Hedstrom responding to a girl who mocked him on the street with no good reason, by whipping her around, whence she hit a car. All things, for what it’s worth, that I regret I didn’t handle better, and report immediately to the schools involved not like it would have helped. Ultimately, I can see, now, as I think others should, the drive Ed and Bernice Richards have to cause me to conform to being like them, something frightening, and difficult to escape, like those manners of abusive that frustrate a person’s escaping the influence of the abuser(s).
Anyway, These doctors know how especially when parents are in agreement that they either don’t care, or that the student is worse than the teachers, and they know that patients who are worse than their teachers but don’t agree, are worse than doctors. However, do they know if I am too insane to correctly realize things like how if some person, who is essentially a whore, were to perform a sexual-favor for another person, the latter is more likely to support the former, and has a bias? I think it’s a fair question, but it’s the kind of thing that will make people ignore all the things that are being ignored. In fact, many things, because they are a matter of degrees, are ignored. I am ill, so if I am made more ill, or even if I weren’t initially ill, in some manner, making me more ill, when rationalized can be totally ignored. If I am being made to interact with my family, while being coerced or forced to live near them, or live a life resembling there’s, well, if I might pollute somewhat anyway, what’s the problem if this leads to my polluting more, if for that matter, their actions serve to lower my health, and consequently my functional level of intelligence closer to their own.
What I can say is that I seemed to have what was a responsible task, I was well-suited for, in Chicago, that a lot of people might have envied had I been able to carry it out, collecting rocks and, as it seems, due to reasons I have published in the past, including that Actlabs report I shared and described my own analysis of on, or around, July 9, 2019, identifying valuable meteorites among what most treated as trash, if it’s not that not a soul knew them to be more valuable to science, for one thing, than the refuse they were often treated as, collecting and cleaning these rocks. Riding my bike, and doing my best in very difficult circumstances to maintain my health. Polluting a minimum, also in heating-fuel costs thanks to the nature of that ground-floor apartment in a double-wide building, along with my efforts to reduce the draft, and things basically caught up to me, if people weren’t either presumptuous, or biased, like my parents, they might have helped me, but what is especially of note is how their previous malfeasance seems to have contributed to me having more of a need for their support, which of course, they provide only where and when it suits them, not when it is rational, or fair, to do so.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Rocks Collection Image Links 8/7/19
Rock presumably matching a granite with shock-melt veins matching the also melted fusion-crust, so I propose. The rock split along the lines of the actually-planar shock-melt-veins, somewhat, leading to the odd multi-colored faces, and the rectilinear shapes of the broken surfaces, being (roughly) planes intersecting at close to right-anles
you can see here, how the brown residue forms on the outside of clasts specifically
The stone in the top left, on the surface which can be seen less resembled to a great extent, the earlier non-polished coloration as seen in the wayback machine of
Friday, August 2, 2019
I have been writing about this dilemma I find myself and absolutely tragic experience I have undergone. As many of what I see key points have been covered, this writing is intended to refer to the previous writings, and to add context, which might not be absolutely of the evidence, but which I think is important, which adds explication to what has continually progressed, I would say, to a more and more complex scenario, and which serves a function a social media site of written text, formally, had, I or so I hoped it would, serve, which is now defunct. On that note, I will add I also bring to the attention of authorities some of the, in some cases more bizarre than others, destruction of records such as which are supposed to serve, for one thing, as records of “prior art” in the field of intellectual property by social-media companies. Getting back to the points which I deem more absolutely “of the essence”, are my analysis of a paper which employs “convenience sampling” to establish a disease I have argued I have, and which I have great cause to believe I require treatment for, is being qualified as more rare than it is, through a rather blatant, in my opinion, instance of ‘congruence bias’, as I described in an earlier writing.
I have pointed out that the majority of people have been wrong in the past. It’s ignored, it seems they would proclaim me grandiose, when, implicitly, I have already illustrated historical situations as examples, such as that involving Galileo Galilei, where everyone else were, we see in hindsight, the ones whose hubris was causing them to advocate for what is injustice as if it were justice. I said this in the Rockingham county court, a case being heard by Justice Peter Hurd while Ed Richards petitioned to have me appointed a guardian ad litem, and I believe he said “You mean Copernicus” and of course, I was dismissed rather without much consideration.
Once again, they’re people, I speak of, who are doing damage to whatever extent they’re consciously aware of what may be their, as they were, subconscious drives, doing damage that really need not be fully elucidated here, as it’s repetitive and much of it is easily compiled. I have mentioned, implying that I used to sleep very soundly which I did, especially after, as I had elucidated numerous times on my Google+ account (which is now defunct), what seemed to me to be the result of zinc treatment, the sudden and complete halting of bruxism patterns, which incidentally, or so I have read, can be caused by damage to the basal ganglia occurring, (There is a source I found which indicates bruxism’s prevalence decreases among the elderly as compared to adults, and it would seem there’s a fair chance this is because of the high number of deaths of people with this condition) that I now no longer sleep well. This began soon after I received an injection from Dr. Jacinto Dizon, at St. Mary’s Hospital on Division St. in Chicago, a time-release injection of the haldol anti-psychotic drug. Soon thereafter I couldn’t sleep at all, until I took the olanzapine they had been offering me.
Again more recently, I am always waking up before dawn. Lack of sleep is known to damage one’s cognitive functioning. So, basically, these people may claim they are enhancing my IQ, either “probably” or “definitely”, and yet, the effects of their activities are to deprive me of choice, rights to things like peace and not have false witness born against me, and I argue also of the chance to prosecute a fair trial which, they’ve defeated in many ways, and gain resources I could employ what intelligence I possess to protect my own health and welfare. It seems as though that may have to do with the highway located around 500 feet away, as I have noted, what would be something of a nightmare situation for me to reside there. The house is not insulated, effectively, as my father, Ed Richards, has claimed it is, than the apartment, as I had taken steps to insure it would be, gradually improved, which as I mentioned were somewhat ruined during the demolition of the surrounding areas of the building when I was unable to move, for reasons I have described previously, understandably or otherwise. Also, a windows counterbalance rope had broken in my bathroom and when I had jammed it up once it fell shattering the glass, leaving me more problems with the draft that ended up plaguing me so much, whether my problems were entirely caused by WD, or other factors that damaged my liver, such as my being poisoned, which I believe almost surely occurred although I don’t have proof of it, for reason I have alluded to. That broken window and the removal of the laundry-room door, the gaping hole around a foot in diameter, across the hall in the former laundry room, made for the extension cord, which I have reported to the F.B.I. was along with the cranked electric furnace to 90, by the workers hired by New Era, which was unnecessary was almost sure to cause a fire if I hadn’t turned it down, which of course, didn’t lead to the pipes freezing, while taking the strain off the furnace after it had already reached a point where the wires smelled like singed rubber like the smell of my Team Associated RC-10 remote control car electronics sometimes emitted (on at least one occasion). So, while I am somewhat happy to be alive, for many reasons including the reason that that furnace was standing on two-by-fours, I am still very perturbed that, whether or not physicians support that I have endured liver damage, significant or otherwise, especially as a result of the malfeasance of others, including multiple licensed physicians, I can clearly observe that my liver’s overall health and function has waned, and for reasons I have described and will continue to attempt to represent, unnecessarily so (and once more, due to the faults of others, however common those faults may be historically).
Now, I have mentioned how it is that a single medium-sized, of 12 oz. or so, cup of coffee not much later than 2pm in the afternoon kept me up the entire night some month or two ago now, and just last night, after taking the sleep aid herbal tinctures and herbal teas I have been usually taking, after having a cup of green tea around 2pm, I failed to fall asleep easily at all, as sometimes happens when I fail to take those herbs and that same specific herbal tea.
So, I will delve into some detail just to elaborate upon 2 things, the trend of medical intervention precisely, and this is given, I shall note, facts I have established in previous writings I have alluded to, and the domino-effect (which may be said to be related to the ‘default effect’) of my horizons, for my simply living a healthy life, being diminished by secondary effects of what is done to me under whatever auspices they are done, as I argue, unethically, and “legally” only by dint of an atrocious degree of injustice. Under a heading “Why Do We Need Sleep?” in “A Clinician's Guide to Integrative Oncology: What You Should Be Talking About with Cancer Patients and Why.” by O’Brien, Sali, et. al., “Regulation of Hormone Levels (e.g. Growth hormone, which is critical in fat breakdown, liver regeneration, and normalisation of blood sugar” (119). This and then we have, again, the sort of thing it was really made difficult to afford previously, as again, if people are to regard as logical what I have said, and not find a reason the logicality of my affirmations is not to be disregarded because of some reason such as ‘the need to respect authority’, such as whomever’s, or the need to protect the precedent allowing people to be medicated as compulsory with psychotropic medication, that it was making me have to choose between things that benefited me, such as organic foodstuffs and variety of foodstuffs including coffee, which I have just discovered the following article concerning’ “Drinking more coffee may undo liver damage from booze” by Lisa Rapaport. So needless to say, it’s unfortunate that I can no longer get sleep and consume coffee, as my condition worsens as nobody helps me, and it’s, as I have argued, a fact that I have fallen victim to people whose behaviors are objectively less than sane, and whose subconsciouses have perhaps driven them when there were rational courses available to question the premises functioning as doctrine, upon which they based and rationalized their activities. Activities, ultimately, tremendously injurious to me, in spite of what they may believe about it ‘being a “lesser of two evils”’, ‘benefiting (me) in some way’, ‘being just, regardless’.
I have mentioned the psychologist I was first referred to by my parents, after the debacle I described in previous writings at the Art Institute (SAIC AIADO). Building on what I have written about Wilson’s Disease, arguing at the time as I had reasoned with myself, establishing against all the opposition that I still had cause to believe in my own experiences, as not being the result of a delusion, I had mentioned I thought I “might” experience something like “hearing voices”. Of course, I have never mentioned this again, and with good cause. I was lost in a state of distraction caused by the denial that I had Wilson’s Disease, and trying to provide mounting evidence that I experienced it and needed the treatment. “Hindsight is twenty-twenty”, it is among my major regrets, because of the absurdity of this situation, as it has evolved. Markers of abuse, it being, for reasons I have described, irrationally, denied that I might be aware I have WD, without getting into the discussion of what WD is, meaning, denying, as they, I argue should be held responsible for being aware of, as I described my basics experiences, it’s especially those which are still more ridiculous to rule out, that I experienced symptoms along with ingestion of high-copper foodstuffs. The speaking of the severity of the Wilson’s as I saw it at the time, as compounded by the denial that I might have the disease, so to speak of the cruelty of those who had created problems for me treating it, specifically, and living my life, generally speaking (with whichever rationales they may hold for their activities, and in spite of whatever ends they indeed may claim they thereby achieved).
Also, I was required by my parents to return to Eric Mart a second time, which again, is simply ridiculous, but they will obviously claim it’s not, because maybe Mart and psychologists do that a lot, but of course, whatever they claim their impetus, I have described why, specifically, in this scenario it’s not rational, although, of course, “evidence” was available to Ed and Bernice then such as the screamed retort to Bernice’s declaration of my belief I had WD of her sister, dermatologist, Sonia Padget, that I don’t have it.
Taking into account Edward Richards nature, as it had been established to be, it would be have been futile then, or even moreso now, after images have been removed (not the first things on my facebook profile although it had been protected by an extremely hard to guess password, had been modified without my doing them, a drawing was deleted a long time ago, my profile “liked” a rapper I had never selected, to name the examples that come to mind) for example, before or after Scofidio’s firm made a fortune off the idea he claimed ‘struck (him) like a bolt of lightning’ around the time I published my drawings on my Facebook site (as described in several previous writings). I believe they were also on Twitter, but can’t be found there. I had many problems being harassed by what appeared to be someone inside the Twitter company. complained about the abuses on Twitter I faced, on Google+ which was eventually taken down.
Incidentally, the idea which I firmly believe Scofidio essentially stole, that in question which also had been established on Facebook as being posted before that project ever began, before Facebook essentially wiped the dates off their sites, was discussed by me verbally in court, before I further developed it, although I don’t know for sure if it’s in the record the stenographer kept, but I mentioned it when Edward Richards was successfully attempting to appoint a guardian to me in Rockingham county court before Peter Hurd, in the year, 2008 or 2009.. There’s also the futility of arguing points including such as that granites can still be meteorites, even if the meteoriticists or geochemists didn’t point that out, because it’s unlikely. He simply believes ‘might makes right’. He is biased. He once said he believed I might have discovered meteorites but since a few samples I said weren’t specified by Randy Korotev to have been, he would ignore all other evidence, as if he can’t think for himself.
Another thing, on the topic of Ed Richards’ bias, which, again, I don’t think is absolutely of the essence, but which still seems relevant to some degree. He used to accuse me of bullying my sister and happened to have a bias and predicted I would be a ‘wife-beater’ when I got older, and incidentally, for a long time I thought he was abusive. I still feel my sister badgered me. It doesn’t seem as if it’s of the essence, but since I felt the need to get into this subject, my sister used to constantly badger me, and I have received permanent physical injuries, a chipped tooth from her reaction after I restrained her once when she was attacking me and then released her, a squabble that started during a game of koosh-basketball, and no one could ever name any such injury I ever doled out to her.
So, in front of his wife he has confided to me he believed guilty of infidelity, he’s demonstrating his superiority over me, in that way, in his mind, generally, I posit. That reminds me of that harrowing episode where it seems the man’s rage was a threat of all our lives, on a lonely German highway in a family trip to Europe when I was around 12 years of age approximately, which he later let me know was after he found a letter she was writing to send back to the U.S. to another man. Which reminds me of the lone business trip Edward Richards ever took, in which a light-switch I habitually flicked on when I habitually went to sleep first of everyone suddenly went awry and caused a fire in the attic, regarding which myself, the fire department was caused. Again, I think it’s too much of a coincidence, but again, with honest people like all these names I have named, Eric Mart, not a crony, a man of dignity, honesty, and thoroughness, as well as someone possessing a full breadth of human compassion, not questioning Edward Richards, we would, if we would substantiate it, at this point, after he opportunistically pushed for me to be diagnosed as schizophrenic, whatever his ‘reasoning’ would be if questioned, etc., would be considered to be a coincidence, most “likely”, I would surmise.
That was another thing I had written on my Google+ account, an attempt to catalog all the evidence in my favor, and present myself as an intelligent person who would at least be worthy, whether or not I had the power to coerce people to my will, or punish those, such as through judicial or legal means, even for objectively wronging me (however unlikely that might seem to happen in this society that has come so far since this happened: “Revisiting a Made-for-Netflix Scandal on the North Shore” BY Phoebe Mogharei, Published July 8, 2019; or wasn’t that clearly ‘a miscarriage of justice’? Please excuse my cynicism, people might think I was joking if I wasn’t a bit cynical). There were a long list of other things that I think indicate that, there should be an investigation into both Facebook, for removing date-data from their site, effectively, that could be valuable as indicators of intellectual property, and Google, for providing a forum basically that was eventually used to steal and destroy the work of people attempting to be heard, perhaps because of the corporate bigwigs’ vested interests. When Google+ might have been renamed to something having more to do with its content and purpose, while simple functions, such as date-search abilities, which incidentally were not available, could have been incorporated before the ‘streams’ function or the Google+ social network was tanked, and no I was not at all able to download my data, as they supposedly allowed for. There was a lot, but I sure wasn’t able to even commence a download of my data.
What else was lost with the removal of the Google+ site? Well, for whatever it may be worth, there was my commentary on the initial designs for the extension of ‘The Bloomingdale Trail’ into Lincoln Park, were it had been proposed to dig a huge tunnel to bring it under the train tracks before lifting it over the river as the trail headed East, or make, after people crossed Ashland Ave., at ground-level, a series of switchback ramps, to elevate the trail to a crossing above the rail-line. Well, and then there were soon after my commentary, links to photos of an updated, although it wasn’t notated as such, trail design that followed what I had specified when I had asked, on that forum, if it wasn’t possible to in a relatively straight line as seen from above, go above Ashland, under the highway, and then above the railway. There were many photos of rocks, and plenty of my analysis of those mineral samples I had corrected, some which, I will note again, have been among the things to mysteriously disappear from my computer’s hard-drive altogether. I had some witticisms I would have had the distinguishment of being the first, I take it, to recite, such as ‘don’t be a snake crawling around wearing a turtle’s shell’. There was my idea that the the “consoles” seen on corbel’s in classical architecture were representations of what snails were seen to appear like if their shells were completely translucent. On top of the many bicycle part designs I made, again, it seems a massive curse and a tragedy that this information is gone, and lost as a record. I will also note it recorded the disappearance from my computer of some automotive design drawings I had made, long before a massive chunk of the images I had taken and transferred to my computer over 8 years disappeared, around the same time, the creme-de-la-creme of my 8 year labor of love, according to my analysis, disappeared rather than being brought to a storage unit after my eviction. I’ll note the eviction also happened to be something that wasn’t marked on a door I used, in advance. In fact, I had blocked that off for security as I, at the time, had become increasingly concerned with people who were ostensibly concerned with the landlords and possibly carrying guns who might want to enter my apartment, on top of security measures I had already taken to prevent people from entering from the inside without my knowledge, meaning they would, at least, have to exit from the outside, where, at least, they might have been seen by some neighbors, creating a chance that evidence would emerge that my apartment was being raided while I was away.
Additionally myriad quotes from Harry Markopolos’ “No one Would Listen”, Charles Dickens’ “Bleak House”, and what may have been, if I gather correctly “Mushrooms, myth and Mithras : the drug cult that civilized Europe” concerning freemasonry and the use of psychedelic mushrooms. Additionally, for what it’s worth, the initial date of publication of my theory that O.J. Simpson merely bought a glove of the wrong size to leave behind was also lost when Google+ for whatever reason, with whatever rationale, was removed, along with all data recorded there.
For what it’s worth, I still wonder, somehow if my problems could be associated with mold. Again, it’s something that I don’t expect physicians to find very credulous, and of course, where what I have established I believe successfully are injuries will further work against me. Whence, people may ‘blame the victim’, as it were, and say then I shouldn’t speak of these things, and especially not to try to establish my intelligence, that are things I believe myself to have discovered when it has been said, for example, that I am ‘grandiose’. I speculated that mold might be circulating in my system in my blood to some extent, as I found mold on the material that was among those things with great evidence seemed to have emerged from my ears, as, for one thing, I was sensing things in my ears, trying to remove them, and then these things I once had images of, as well as which I had kept until they were lost in my eviction, appeared the size of things, although on the large side, explaining why they would have been stuck, and very hard to remove, which might have come from my ear, and some had what appeared to be mold on them. Incidentally, these things emerged, and more then were sensed by me with the implements I used. Also incidentally, I wondered if toxins, including air pollution, caused a reaction that propelled this “foreign” material, perhaps through the lymphatic system, near my head and neck, near the pores which do exist between the ear and lymphatic system (and unfortunately, it’s another injury, again, that made my life very hectic and caused me to be pressured, stressed, and at much less leisure to research, for example, at medical school libraries, or, for that matter, to afford scientific medical papers published online, some of which cost anywhere between $5 to $40 to access). There may be, so far as I am aware, a potential that they cause other people’s problems recognized as Wilson’s Disease, which would mean genetic testing’s “mutations” would be, for example, just a common ATPB7 gene type, not known to be simply common if they had failed to test the population who doesn’t have problems with copper accumulation (once again, I feel the need to mention the psychological phenomenon known as “congruence bias”). I really wouldn’t know.
As I will explain below, again, unlike, to name one example, Edward Richards who I believe has felt he has achieved a victory worthily and that his treating me for something that may be corresponded largely with my disagreeing with him, I am more pessimistic about society, the intelligence or integrity of people rising to authority, and indeed, many things support that, in spite of the challenge represented in opposing that authority. These things lend credence to ideas that things inherited from one doctor to another, if widespread, if easily available in a ‘Up-To-Date’ web-page text, is not necessarily gaining more and more objective accuracy for each physician who adopts the belief. They, in many or perhaps most cases, again, seem, whether or not pressed for time, to ultimately, lack the ability for abstract thought, and of course, privilege what would cause foreseeably a self-fulfilling-prophecy of establishing that society should value physicians as much as possible, looking, in that manner, for the maximum amount of return on their investments (and pressuring people, in some cases, in ludicrous fashion to adhere to such beliefs they seem to retain themselves).
Additionally, an aspect of this scenario and the physician’s activity, seems to have something to do with what is called “automation bias”, ‘The tendency to depend excessively on automated systems which can lead to erroneous automated information overriding correct decisions’(Wikipedia), as one may relate the programs used to automate processes to the rubrics developed, and in whichever way, with whatever rationales, or plausibly sound reasoning supporting their actions, doctors have created or refined the rubrics later employed, logically, or otherwise, believed or professed to have whatever degree of reliability, to diagnose someone, support one’s actions such as, to name an example, the failure of Michael Schilsky or Thomas Schiano to support me by telling my parents I might have WD (who for many reasons don’t want to hear that, clearly), or, for that matter, that it would seem reasonable to lend the slightest bit of credence to the fact that, for all they know, I might indeed be experiencing Cu related symptoms, as I ingest foodstuffs with higher amounts of Cu (something I have discussed in depth). What this leads to is arguably a ‘framing effect’ along with the ‘continued influence effect’ as physicians for example claim I am well because my urine-copper is still normal. In fact, insinuating I am outlandish, in spite again, of, as I have referred to in previous writings, the trends occuring after once it was thought everyone who might be considered to have WD died by the age of thirty, and now it’s known that patients can have the disease and miss being diagnosed until they are 80. It’s difficult that ‘the fox seems to be watching the henhouse’ here, because otherwise I think it would be hard not to establish that those patients who were diagnosed in the eighth decade of life, around age thirty, for example, had some sorts of problems likely related to high free copper, that is to say, they must have, as the injuries progressed to their kidneys that led to, for example, high urine copper, if that’s what allowed them to be diagnosed, or injuries to their eyes as the keyser-fleischer rings built up. Like the psychiatrists have their “experience” they claim no one else could contribute anything materially of value to what should be their work, so they won’t do it if they don’t come up with it themselves, as with the psychiatrists, a person can creatively or otherwise, describe things like mental diseases, psychological problems, lack of logic, injustice, and all that’s considered is one’s power, one’s connections, or the degree, and the role they play in society which makes in my opinion, in many cases ignorant people listen to, or fulfill the tasks appointed to them by these folks holding the degrees, political office, or what have you.
At this point I will also contribute the following: I had taken the full prescribed zinc supplement regimen for “maintenance treatment” of WD, for 8 out of the last 10 years of my life, so they knew that, and it’s another mistake to relate me to a thirty year old, when WD hasn’t ostensibly progressed for 8 of those years, although, at first, there was no zinc supplement available which didn’t have magnesium stearate, and taking, at least, if you fast and take the supplement with copper, six pills per day equates thereby to a great deal of magnesium stearate which sure doesn’t benefit the liver according to have I have read (“Side Effects of Magnesium Stearate & Stearic Acid” by Adriana Muntean). I will note that as it initially, being in somewhat poor condition, at the time, somehow hadn’t occurred to me to take the zinc supplement (as I might rationalize by saying I wanted to try to get medical recognition which might have helped my cousins get better treatment for their illnesses) I didn’t think to make my own gel caps as I am left doing today, so I don’t consume the magnesium stearate or stearic acid from all the supplements available aside from Gluzin which is prohibitively expensive, and the prescription only Galzin I can not get.If I were to have done what I am left doing today, it would have been hard to find a doctor who wouldn’t have tried to send me to a psychologist, because doctors in the past had diagnosed me as they had, I felt, and a doctor would have been necessary to monitor my copper and ceruloplasmin levels, since it’s hard to estimate the dosage accurately when making your own get caps filled with zinc supplement powder. (This magnesium stearate was also exacerbating the effects of air pollution which I later concluded were what led to my feeling so unwell, as I know very well the air quality can be quite poor in the Logan Square neighborhood where I lived at the time, which led to the poor choice I had already reneged upon, to take still more zinc than that amount recommended for maintenance treatment of WD, which may have had something to do with, when quickly stopping zinc treatment altogether, made me extremely ill and seemingly, if I wasn’t poisoned by a roommate who provided me with a cup of coffee before I became ill like that (it was someone by the name of Chad Redd), caused varices and bleeding in my vomit, soon thereafter. I’ll also note Ed Richards had gotten a representative of Illinois guardians to visit me, and I had already realized to stop taking extra zinc, and the fear of their taking me as a ward, caused me to more quickly try to stop the anemia, and discontinue completely zinc treatment which may have played a role in my getting ill, whence, doctors at NorthWestern Hospital Stone Institute claimed they had to treat me because I was lying when I was saying I learned my lesson not to take zinc, hence, really profiting from the mistake. As is a pattern, completely disregarding any question of taking anything into account as if I were an intelligent individual, in spite of my having plenty to say, because they side with their own profession the psychiatrists as if it were a sacred duty, and would simply never do anything but ratchet up the scenario of psychiatrists being in power over anyone they have declaimed as if the effective authority they wield is necessarily its own justification
When I discovered, on two occasions, feces-like material, as reported in earlier writings. I was simply afraid authorities locally were in control of whoever seemed to almost surely, for that reason and others, entering my places (I have never been known to sleepwalk, nor did these things seem to appear first in the morning, on a wall, behind where my stereo system was, on the edges of the pages on a book stacked on top of the stack of audio components). Maybe if I complained to the F.B.I., for example, or the C.P.D. there would have been a claim that I was insane, which would have been more believable, for the same reason people, as if it should have to be stated by me, hadn’t I been declared to be delusional about the aforementioned, e.g. the belief depending on how you look at it, that I have WD, Wilson’s Disease, or that I am, more simply, experiencing symptoms in concert with the ingestion of high copper foods, am experiencing symptoms that are very significant association with inhalation of pollutants, etc. Additionally, my bed seemed to collapse out of nowhere, with no seeming cause, to name another example, on top of the crossed speaker-wires I have alluded to in previous writings.
I have noted that people might argue that there is a need to legally administer medications (Ed Richards warned one of the judges in 2008 or ‘09 that a ‘dangerous precedent’ would be set if he wasn’t to win, if the judge acknowledged the logic of what I said, or respected me as a person before siding with the other individuals who I argued against, however more facile it was to side with them, and whether or not it was objectively sane or correct, dismiss me, negate what I was saying, etc. Well, there is a flip-side, and, again, they would irreverently label me grandiose for naming the many people with health problems, that may be related to multiple things, also having an etiology or pathology that otherwise damages their health, for that matter, who don’t receive necessarily the ideal treatment because it’s not made available to them, people who die of heart problems while on psychotropics like my cousin’s whose autopsy happened to relate a cause of death related in Kuhn’s “Cardiac Wilson’s” to be potentially caused by Wilson’s Disease.
Generally, again, I don’t always believe doctors know so much, and some have held that I shouldn’t take anything away from the medical profession if I don’t respect the various doctors, as if because they can’t hear my specific reasoning it doesn’t exist. (That is sort of an impossibly high bar being held up for me, unlike the ‘higher standards’ I have argued various individuals failed to meet, of their own fault, if injuring me personally, and not them). Just to name another example, I think that the liver is damaged by toxins and hunger increases leading to gaining wait which is associated with steatosis. The gaining of weight is blamed, but their may be underlying problems handling the toxicity, and with the need for extra nutrients, the body craves more food, and the steatosis if resulting from that is not as bad as the damage that is avoided from failing to get the nutrients the liver may need to protect other organs for example. (the liver is known to be incredibly complex, by the way, as can be read in many sources). It’s akin to my theory with my experiences of whatever may be in my ear, that poor air quality seems to cause pressure in my ears. It also can seemingly wake me up. It was clear the doors being shut protected me from the draft of outside air, when I lived at 2020 N. Spaulding Ave. in Logan Square Chicago, often I would awake to the sudden stench of the fetid outside air, which I think it was clear had been fine until my neighbor walked her dog, and as she seemingly deliberately did because perhaps because I didn’t foster a friendship with her, leave the door cracked which created some sort of suction, possibly, and ultimately a flow of air into my apartment. This was specifically how I would often wake up, feeling unwell, feeling this was hurting me and increasing my chance of contracting cancer, especially given what I observed as my poor liver function. Now, incidentally, this parallels my experience living at Ed and Bernice Richards’ house near the highway in Portsmouth, where two longtime residents, one next door, and one across the street have had cancer, a high incidence, and research supports that living near highly-trafficked throughways is linked to higher incidents of serious health problems. So, really, if doctors were logical, rather than emotional, they might not, in my opinion, let me down and others, by failing to credit me, at the least, and often people with advanced education seem to take my ideas, as for example, the idea I had to use prisms with photovoltaic panels was seemingly once taken, another thing I had published on Google+ which we no longer have access to, and I get absolutely no credit, in the end, for being a person of intelligence, and nor will people like my parents credit me, as they have their biases, and lack of a track record of rationality, but a willingness to bolster their own egos, and think well of their own past deeds, or misdeeds.
I think it’s occurrence has parallels, incidentally, with the recent spate of celebrity and physician sex assault scandals. A lot of people revere these people, and think their power or resources indicates something about their character, and evidence emerges that contradicts what a lot of people seem to believe, and that there’s some element of something which might be called ‘the system’ that allows truly more intelligent, and sane, people, doing things that are intelligent in the sense that they benefit humankind, in order to earn more money, distinction, and responsibility that they ostensibly wouldn’t abuse, or attempt to leverage.
Basically, aside from initially seeking personal gain in finances, in some cases, whatever they ‘are sure of’ and will maintain throughout, and whoever else may stick with them, irrationally, or deceptively, there’s the will ostensibly to pad their reputations if it means slandering me to give them a villain to have opposed or checked, and the ‘id’ of the various individuals involved, of course plays a role. That ‘id’ again, which I think, historically being what matters not if I admit to needing some medical treatment, one’s overall track-record of deeds, taken objectively in accurate context, have displayed much more in common with the more heinous criminals and disturbed individuals who we all would oppose, than me, who they have, for reasons I have described, personally been at fault for labelling, having choices, and responsibility to take contexts into account, and meet a higher standard of logic and decency. When now we have again, the abuse and insanity of certain people being totally forgiven, and blessed, by others, and of course, I wouldn’t be the only one paying the price for the entropy being caused by the oversights, if not the malfeasance of these individuals, and the collective bodies they eventually compose.
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