Friday, November 30, 2012

"Yes, You Will Have Freedom of Religion...

but you won't have the freedom to remind people of how much the Lord despised the conniving, and murderous Cain (wouldn't want that [nervous laugh]).*

"So That Hacking Thing Hasn't Worked Out...

as well as planned. Can't you kill the Franz Ferdinands, JFKs, and John Lennons, with a little less effort? Jehoshafat!"*

If You Really Want to End The Horrible Things...

going on in the world, you should aptly criticize the disingenuous literature which misleads the faint-hearted. Two good places to start would be with that literature of Jean Jacques Rousseau, and that literature of Martin Luther. These should be examined with a heavily critical eye. The writers should be looked at like a tv-investment pundit, or a Dr. who may have failed to provide full disclosure of fiscal interests in their supposedly single-minded works. Signs point to the work of these authors as being very suspect in these manners. Down with the dumbies!!!

Am I the Only One Who Realized...

that some so-called physicians are really self-entitled brats, totally unprincipled, and, at heart, completely ensconced in hate.

"'Freedom of Speech' You Have...

unless you try to say I am not the only sort of King of you there is."*

What an Idiot I Was...

at dinner, that time in McElroy. Standing against a regulation which forces cigarette smokers to walk farther from an entrance of a building before relaxing is not something that I, particularly, wish to compare to those other causes I support.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I Would Like to Revisit,,,

the realm of theoretical physics, and, specifically, the controversial theories of these two brothers: something intriguing I remember reading about a year, or two, ago.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Remember the Instance When...

I tried to cut the tag off my Tonka truck sweatshirt, that went with the matching sweatpants, and cut a hole in the back of the shirt, near the collar. My mother, IIRC, either reprimanded me so harshly, or became so perturbed due to this, herself, that I suffered from severe remorse and began to lapse into depression at the tender age of 5, or 6. Strange people living strange sorts of lives.

The Film "Spaceballs"

Dark Helmet: "Luke, I am your father's second cousin's nephew's uncle's former roommate"
Luke: "So, what does that make us?"
Dark Helmet: "Absolutely nothing!"
(They resume battling.)

Some People Are Just Like the Character...

"Mouchette", and some are exactly like the aptly named "Saint of Lumbres", as documented in Georges Bernanos's "Under Satan's Sun". In, fact, as you may read in the book of Ecclesiastes, "There is nothing new..."

On Our 'Family' Trip To Europe...

when the old man intercepted a letter being sent out by mother (to another man, probably stating how awful it was being stuck with the guy, and us kids [guess what the old man doesn't care much more about the kids; he's, also, looking out for numero uno, mainly] {'a match made in heaven'!}), all that I can really recall is being led around, probably sticking as close to the very polluted through-fares as possible without risking immediate bodily injury, and walking on the shady side of the street when it was cold, and the sunny side of the street when it was hot. They were children like I've described, back in something like '95, and people think that now they act like responsible adults? Laughable!!!!!! Hey, money talks though, doesn't it? Often much louder than the common sense which, ostensibly, is lacked by me, and only me.
(Hey, the blind don't know their blind, and they would like to lead, so be careful that you aren't blinded by them.)
Hell, if someone were to actually take into consideration what I've been through, and decide it was not passed down to them from God that it was their responsibility to punish a child for their parents' sins, I imagine they would see that, the people accusing me of lacking sense, are in the process demonstrating the utter dearth of sensibility in their persons.

This is What You Might Call...

IRONY. When in second grade, my father offered to pay me $5 to read a poem, like Urkel, namely "Prayer of the Selfish Child" by Shel Silverstein. I, the sick child I was, raised by wolves, with a cave-room placed hazardously in the path of fumes from a busy road, one might argue, agreed. Hell, I felt strangely forced by this weird man with strange notions to impinge on those around him, or children reliant on him, in ways such as this. Otherwise, his feelings might have been hurt (and, if I was afraid of this, it proved prophetic, because now he's always explaining where I have to watch out so I don't hurt his feelings). So, I accepted the $5, and, most likely, was severely socio-psychologically traumatized ad infinitum from this. Technically, this is psychological abuse, or, in other words, cruel, or stupid parenting. AND GET THIS: That BASTARD never handed me a 5er and said thanks for doing that for me, this is for that, or anything of the sort!!!! You've got to be going to hell when you treat your child like that! The guy, on Christmas of 2009, told me he was the AntiChrist to boot which, he later explained, before the stupid, insolent, and absolutely tactless individuals who he then utilized to attack me legally, being a lawyer himself, was a joke. Well, only the Anti-Christ, or a person who would give to their child, who had asked for a fish, a serpent, would make that kind of joke, or, alternatively, a pompous hick!

"I Always Speed Up...

when on a side-street with a bike-rider. I just want to pass them; wouldn't want him to fall, then have to stop short. That's the one thing I really hate."*

"It's Not Fair...

that he manages to be happier than me. I've got way more money, goddamnit~!"*

Message from Mommy Dearest

"I did not make the mistake you said I did. Most of the people on earth think you'll deserve whatever's coming to you. They'll agree with me that your pretty much worthless."*
-"I'ld prefer the cross to bowing down before you as if you were king. How many times do you need to be reminded: I have one king, the guy you are, supposedly, trying to support for an hour, each and every weekend, and, also, supposedly, trying to support, when you're earning that surfeit of funds that you are fortunate enough to be able to contribute to a cause."*
-"You do not support him."
-"Do you want to get into quotes?"
-"He's crazy! AAAhhggghhhh~"*

"I'm Not Ungenerous, I'm Not Often Mistaken...

and the person who confirmed this has the biggest house in all of Evanston. With the all important 'third opinion,' I have proved you incorrect when daring to question me. He told God what was up, and he told God to make sure you don't get into heaven. He, also, told God that I haven't made those mistakes I have a law against myself making."*
-Must be nice. Must be really NICE.

Let Us Not Forget...

the man whose house I was raised in, has gone away on one business trip in his life. That same day, due to nothing but total coincidence, a flick of a light switch caused a short, which set the house on fire. Did he own the place in Bedford at that point? Had there been another 'golf-pro love letter' found, recently, before then? These are questions we may never know the answers to. However, we will know that, if these things were true, that would mean, it was something less savory than a pure attempt to collect insurance.

I Don't Care How Numerous...

anyone who chooses to agree, without reason, with people who admittedly (in rare moments of cordial frankness) hate each other, yet live together, is a Godless person. Whoever is forcing the other one to live with them must also be determining both persons professed opinions. Therefore, even if one of them is sane, as a unit, they are insane. So, take these people with a grain of salt, or be rejected at St. Peter's gates (where it really matters)!

"Hold On, Everyone, I Will Now Attempt...

to communicate with the creature in its own language."** (turns to 'creature'). "Mush muchu mooch. Mushermuchymuthumushu?"*

A Society That Has a Tendency...

to tend to extirpate literature, art, culture, in fact, all genius of the creative sort, yet totally promotional of extremes of technological constructions. Is that the sort of society any of us want: a Babylon?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What We Have To Recognize About Overused Highways...

and commuting, when unnecessary, by car (I know" 'How are we going to restructure society geo-socially to alleviate the need for the car?'), that highways are not simply taking up space, they are really some kind of barriers of stupidity (and, I know, a lot of persons are in denial, about this, and not to say people aren't somewhat stupid without suffering this ailment), due to the effects (denied seemingly from the top-down, via media) of automobile pollution. In light of coming to recognize this problem myself, I am not as sure about the 'cash for clunkers; program as I once was, because some of those cars were perfect candidates for what would fuel a home-built electric car revolution, if the proper battery were discovered, of which I recently read of one candidate: a magnesium battery developed at a university in Israel (sounds very promising). Why wasn't the goverment considering the wastefulness, in that respect, I wonder? It is difficult indeed, especially because that sufeit of steel was furthermore funneled through automobile manufacturers, as they were doubly-bailed-out when steel prices dropped, as they were being bolstered by government awarded subsidies to produce more vehicles. It simply seems to me as if raising taxes on gasoline would have been a more appropriate method for reducing noxious fuel emissions, more like using the appropriate tool, for the correct purpose (not that we want to conduct surgery, when unnecessary). This move seems to motivate new-car-buying, which also motivates suburban housing markets, which therein results in entrenched, by way of planning, automobile reliance, which, might, arguably, for reasons elaborated by myself, and others, take away from quality of life of drivers, through connectedness, karma, et. al. equally as much as by virtue of the time spent on the road, even when particles are filtered by a cabin-air-filter.
Small steps are what is necessary, in the spirit of Noam Chomsky's advice in "Class Warfare w/ David Barsamian, to consider a new variable in your decisions, and minimize, ameliorate problematic things. Living a life that is responsible. Supporting the idea of trying to design less-explosive, lightweight, biologically-safe batteries, and more efficient solar panels are part of the solution, as is city-planning, and, relatedly, fields of governance. However, I think collective action against societal trends which buck the idea of restraint, and consideration will, clearly, foster noticeable improvements in quality of life, in general, which is an aim worth thinking about, at the very least.

"But We Are at War with This Other Guy...

who's got our number. So, we've got to basically, usurp you, to direct those resources you posses to defeat him." *Ok, well, did you ever think of thoroughly explaining the history of the situation, then asking for help? "Well, of course, you wouldn't see it our way."* Well, if there's nothing to see there, of course I wouldn't see it your way.

Revisiting 'My Architect'

In light of recent completed works. Was Kahn,, '%100 on point', working without constraints in a perfect society? Was he someone who, being a worthy person himself, elevated monuments, in a 'sub-par-prefect-society', supposedly dedicated to another, incidentally rather homely-to-gaze-upon individual (not that 'looks' are everything), sublimating the idea of monumentality by usurping the center-stage as designer/thinker? Or, is it that we have this <<<<<< to hold against the guy, poor and disadvantaged as his early years were?

"We Don't Want You to Know What Kind of...

gang is trying to swallow you whole."* Remember, when it comes to the government (census), you can be Native American, or White, etc. It doesn't matter what you believe, just whether you come from Latin America, America before Modern Europeans, Africa, Asia, or the Middle East, or anywhere in the entirety of Europe. Well, should it matter what you believe to the government? I don't know about that, but to me, your fellow man, you better believe I care what you believe. Whether people believe there is no God to punish them if they mindlessly kill me for a chocolate bar (I, for purposes of metaphor, even, may be entirely responsible for cultivating, and preparing), or not, is really among the top, key, issues when it comes to whither I travel. Not that it is my purpose to judge, and thereby decide to try eliminate such selfish, unrefined fools, but I think, practically, you have to judge them to know to get-away/distance-yourself from them.

"Kill Him Before...

everyone finds out what sort of felonious whores we are. Our racket will be ruined. (more fictions).* By the way, if anyone hits me with their SUV, such as a local, investigate that person, and see, if like Morty in 'Goodfellas' they end up buying the wife a Cadillac. Then, as Costigan attempted to, in 'The Departed', "kill (the person)", ie. expose them, and put them behind bars.
This guy shot out from a parking spot just before where I often cross Lincoln Ave. today, and was swerving towards me, before I even left the bike lane. There I was stopped before entering the auto-lane, and the guy stopped. "(more fiction) He doesn't have any lights; you'll get off clean (my friend Judas Iscariot)."
P.S. Let's not forget, I was well in view of this person, I had been circling, waiting for the very ungenerous, and ungentlemanly, for that matter, main traffic to let off, for a moment, even stopping for a breath on the sidewalk (which, incidentally, was totally unpopulated by pedestrians at the time, for at least 200 ft. in all directions).
BTW: Repealing laws making it illegal for bikers to ride without lights, would, theoretically: A. decrease pollution. B. Put more pressure on lax drivers to pay attention, and slow themselves to a reasonable pace (which would benefit both safer drivers, pedestrians, loose puppies, etc.) C. Discourage espionage in the form of bribed, "make-it-look-accidental, you'll-get-off" automotive-homicide, and attempted homicide by automobile. Look at all the car accidents. Does no one realize this has, at least, something to do with the "low birthrate", and declining population sizes in first world countries?

Mystery of the Lost Chain...

Noticing that the chrome on the chain-stay has a few mars, I remembered the most recent episode where it was lost. Note please that this is a somewhat rarer occurrence, I might say, on the simpler drivetrains of fixed/SS bikes (However, I am noticing that my chain line isn't that straight so that's a demerit for my set-up right there.).  Thinking back to the time leading up to this loss in Edgewater, not far from the N. point of the trail, I remembered that I wasn't going that fast when it happened, but had meandered through several blocks of back-streets, after having tired myself out before encountering heavy traffic (and resultant fumes) traveling south on Sheridan, moving with that high-speed traffic.
So, my hypothesis is this: The chain got hottest on Sheridan, however, the cog and ring were, also, heated enough to expand with the chain. However, since the ring and cog were actually diffusing heat from the chain, once the speed slowed, they cooled down much faster, leaving me with an extra-stretched, due to heat-expansion, chain, and relatively normal size cogs, then, also, consequently, eventually, a few more dings on the chrome-finished chain-stay (sigh).

"We call this place 'The United States...

of The Systematic Elimination of Heathens We Don't Like (Even Though That Is, Most Prominently, Us)'."*

"We have the largest source of fresh water here in the world"...

 someone said to me recently, which got me thinking. We (all of us, ie living beings on this earth) have the largest source of fresh air on earth. But! I am not getting purely fresh air. What gives???????

"I'm a big girl now...

-"Au contraire. You have, contrary to your opinion, actually been declining, in an all important category as a caring human being, although the worldly comforts you may have secured are many. Whether one estimates that it is the masses who are morally decrepit, which certainly  some portion of them are, but not all, or only certain individuals, it is clear that you, unspecial, or special, have moved in such a direction as is not positive, not progressive, and certainly, not holy! A 'son of Ba'al' might be a more accurate description, now."*

Monday, November 26, 2012

"We did everything by the book, and he's unhappy!"*

To which book do you refer?
Don't you mean to say you insisted a certain interpretation of the contents of a specific book was much more than that, and for reasons that are,- how shall we put this- ephemeral?

"I'm sooooooo0 great...

I didn't marry the, or even an, Anti-Christ!... (time elapses)... whoopsies."*

"Anyone with the Name...

'Soupy Sales' deserves whatever they had coming to them. C'mon you dicks."* To reiterate, that's a joke.
Charged with wrongful use of a weapon and is then promoted to a cop? Later, involved in large-scale theft and is demoted to informant? Guilty, guilty, guilty, framed, framed, cleared, guilty, cleared, guilty (sequence?). This story is surreal!
All I know is that if a guy that look like him, later comes up to me, and tells me his name is Steven Mandible, I am going to watch out!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

Not because I like this, now...

but in fond remembrances of when this was my favorite show:

This part at 5:50 is classic:

I am just glad real babies do not act that way!

Transnational (A Poem)

Oh Amelia, with your jalopy towns,
In dizzyingly pointless gowns,
Populated by organized felons,
Noble peasants, and petty thieves,
Your eyes are the sort that deceive.
You are my baby,laughing at me.
Amelia your colors changed!
Are those some things you would exchange?

Oh my dear, you would never guess,
I've found you touchier than the rest.
Your magnanimity really astounds.
You've never put the hors d'oeuvres down.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What's more interesting...

The shiva bike toy,
or the carbon fiber fiddle?

"You Can't Judge This Guy..."*

"I am going to convince this stupid guy to side with me against this other skinny guy. Two guys named Edward, fighting against each other. This is too good considering the author of the Edict of Expulsion in 1290." (aside to self: The fatter guys are on my side, so God must be so too.)*


Theories on 'Bikes' and 'Frames'

Subtitle: "A Frame-Frame Anyone?"

"Anyone else's instrument is always a 'frame'. What I have are 'bikes'. Thusly, it always makes sense for me to say, 'Hey why don't you buy a bike from me? How many miles did you get in on that crappy 'frame' you call a bike, this week?' etc. Of course, I have the power to add value, and convert other persons' 'frames' into 'bikes', pretty much, at will, and, typically, after I sell a 'bike', the new owners usually  convert it back into a 'frame,' before too long."*

I had to get that off of my chest, after some people I know, referred to a track bicycle, merely, as a 'frame'.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This Area Was a Thriving Area...

It's almost as if people wanted to introduce a lot of traffic (by selling cars, and creating 'suburbs' instead of new cities). Make it a 'favor' that they were putting a highway right next to five or so catholic churches ('the only alternative is to go right through'), saying to themselves, 'we're not destroying the buildings, but they'll fall into disrepair, now.'
Hark Jane Jacobs, I've seen some light.

Edit: I've been ruminating further on this - was there a legitimate alternative?
What about widening extant roads?
What might that have done?
How would property values have been affected in this area?
Some structures were destroyed as it was; the owners of that land given a predetermined (token?) sum.
If certain of the extant roads had been widened (more than they have been) would that have made abutting lots smaller, yet, eventually, higher in values, without the complication of  raised circulatory structures.
Raised roadways can then overload inadequate circulation by introduction of extra traffic, which has both benefits, and disadvantages. Obviously, if the disadvantages weren't prevalent, in would not be an overload.
Anyway, in New York City, there was not a project like this put across Manhattan.
It would be interesting to understand better what would, or might, have happened had a larger part of local geography been left free of highways.
I know the highways are not a question, and have to start somewhere, but the main area 'served' by the highways, might have been larger, and differently refined than it had been.
Also, the original Chicago location is less accessible than is Manhattan, but whether or not those freeways created needed to come so close, and to connect, is arguable.
Notably, I think there was even a "Marshfield" train line on the North-side, which was taken down.

Air Quality is the Worst Right Now...

In my neighborhood, Detroit, Cleveland, and, especially, Fort Wayne, IN, according to AirNow.

"We Wouldn't Want Him to Start Writing Down Plates"

Idea for a fictive piece:
People are trying to, covertly, eliminate a person they consider a threat to 'law and order (although, they're delusional about what those terms should men)' and they are able to secure vehicles (such as a late-model black Ford Explorer/Expedition, and temporary license plates (such as 660XLY). This person, a protagonist of the story, biking, notices a person in aforementioned type vehicle with aforementioned license plate (Il) speeding unnecessarily, and remembers it is not the first person with a late model  American-made vehicle and a temporary plate driving furiously in his close whereabouts, when biking, in recent times. At a speed bump, he decides to lose this person, and their SUV. Soon after, as if to distract him and make him remember, a person who finally enters a building (or hides between buildings) near the intersection, just south of Lincoln, with the nearest parallel road, riding his clunky green mountain bike in the middle of the pathway threatens to kick his ass because he hasn't verbally alerted him that he will pass him. He, after being passed on the left, with ample space, by the protagonist, starts complaining that he wasn't verbally alerted; then, on a downhill, where the path passes under a bridge, charges ahead to re-pass the protagonist, yelling 'on your left'. He urges the protagonist to pass him back, and threatens violence once more. He is in his forties, with dark hair, and a medium complexion, medium build, no facial hair at this time, wearing his hair slicked back. Incidentally, later a person driving another SUV license plate A77 8377 proves they are a gas-wasting moron.

So, later in the fictive piece, the protagonist goes to the officials to find information on the SUV driver who had the temporary plates. Those are public records. The number he remembers is off. Well, he asks 'How many cars meeting that description could have license plates similar to that, nevermind  a driver meeting the description of he who was dirivng (male w/ darkish complexion) at any given time? Can't we see if their wasn't a similar plate issued for a similar car recently?' -'The law doesn't work that way.' -'You just make it up as you go, don't you?'

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What kind of person...

does something, and then thinks they can order a peer of theirs to never speak of it. If you did a stupid thing, you have to live with the consequences, rather than intimidate people, where does it end?

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Quoting from a favorite book:
'(Luther) says: Adam's sin has corrupted me in my essence, I am unclean, I sin greatly, but I trust in You, O my God, and You take me and save me just  as I am, covering me with Your Son's cloak. This is what he himself says:
Have we sinned? "Jesus Christ stoops," says Luther, "and lets the sinner jump on his back and so saves him from death and the gaoler, that is what Christ is for." "What a consolation for pious souls to put Him on like this and wrap Him in my sins, your sins, the sins of the whole universe, and consider Him thus bearing all our sins." "When you will see that your sins cleave to Him, then you will be safe from sin, death, and hell. Christianity is nothing but a continual exercise in feeling that you have no sin although you sin, but that your sins are thrown on Christ [-somewhat slanderous you might say-]. It is enough to know the Lamb who bears the sins of the world; sin cannot detach us from Him, ... Is not that good news if, when someone is full of sins, the Gospel comes and tells him: Have confidence and believe and henceforth your sins are remitted? Once this stop is pulled out, the sins are forgiven; there is nothing more to wait for."

Maritain, Jacques. "Three Reformers: Luther-Descartes-Rousseau" New York, Charles Scribner's Sons: 1929.

'The Bad Lieutenant'...?....

That's supposed to be, like, the opposite of 'The Good Samaritan' is not it?

A Fav. 'Austin Powers' quote:

                         Your boss, Number Two, I understand 
                         that cat's involved in big underground 

                         Virtucon's main interest is in cable 
                         television, but they do have a 
                         subterranean construction division, 
                         yes.  How did you know?
-'Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery' 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

On Sub-par Laws, also Ideas for Betterment

The real crime of making errors in the all important lawmaking process, whether these are errors of greed, systematic, or of whatever, is that making these takes away from the integrity of the good laws, promoting general unlawfulness and disorder. In fact, law trumps ethical, rational behavior so often, in the real world, that anarchists, might, be on to something, not that I am sure of this happening in the real world either, not being an anarchist myself. After all, there is one law passed onto us, which makes more sense than all others: care about each others' health being maintained, in addition to their general well-being, and, also, whether or not they receive just treatment from their fellow man.
Making a mockery of common sense, whether it is in the most trivial, or important of matters, can resonate greatly, generally promoting its own like. That, unfortunately, is, still, a part of human nature (sigh).
Which, brings us to our next topics: architecture, city planning, smart, efficient and refined usage of technology; social policy including generous consideration for preserving persons' health, and alleviating the endemic ills they might have encountered on this earth; careful, organic food production; not redistribution of wealth, or democratic processes per se, but intelligent usage of resources that, does not merely appear to strive, but truly strives, toward achieving the above mentioned ends of fairness, and health; etc.

Common Sensicals

It is my true belief that our country's lawmakers, despite what they, and certain other persons, might have you believe, are, indeed, mortal, and fallible beings. For example, I think, no, you do not get a free ticket to hit people on bikes, if it is at night, and they are not flashing b/c of carrying an electronic device. A lot of the anti-biking laws are absolutely ridiculous. In fact, much greater taxes should be taken from, A. car buyers (esp. super-luxury cars), and B. the ridiculously wealthy, ie. hundreds of millions, or billions in net worth, to fund, among other things, safe, reliable transport for those needing it, because they have to travel at night, yet can not see well enough then, to spot objects that aren't glowing.
The bikers are risking enough already. If someone wants your money, car driver, bad enough to fling themselves in front of you to pretend you hit them, only being able to approach you because they had no lights, and it was at night, it's basically out of your hands whether they are able to rob you, or not, anyway. Hey, it's only money (not everything, although certain people may want you to believe it is, as well) anyway, right, and, if you need it drive extra slowly, and cautiously, each time you go out at night, or find a friend with superior night-vision (even better), and you'll be bound to win the case anyway.
(Edit: Advice to those with poor night-vision: concoct a test to determine whether, in fact, your friend has superior night-vision to you. Don't go around assuming their night vision is superior just because they tout it as such.)