Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Look At It This Way

First, find someone who is credited by others with taking care of you to taunt you, and disrespect your opinions, and never hear you out, seeming not to care whether you are a liar or an honest person.
Also, have a professor in your graduate program accuse you of threatening you life, another student named Isaac, say you've "called for blood" randomly, after this professor had made bizarre offhand comments to the class, before failing you, and after the government affiliated school's administration failed to inquire into the issue of whether the professor's behaviour had been abusive.
Have them chase you out of the only place you have to live, with the assistance of a friend of theirs, who will just slander you without a lot of reason.
Get tazed by police officers.
Get brought to a place that much resembles a prison, where you will not be allowed to leave from.
Find that when you write to protest the events to your friends, everyone one of them, if they didn't resent you, at best, was a fair-weather friend who didn't care to hear you out as the people who were supposed to be caring towards you didn't.
Get forced to take tablets that you have reason to believe will harm you, as you are being prevented from taking measures that you have reason to believe will help you, under threat of being injected.
Then, out of concern for your health, be forced to flee the area, when you are finally able to, after celebrating New Years, your 20th birthday etc. in this hideous fascist-run cesspool located in Concord, NH, and, seek help from people who are reluctant to help you, and, in some cases, bitter because you tried to help them find a good place to live affordably, in the past, and they found it to be inadequate.
Then, use up the last of your money. Already, resembling a homeless person, try to sell some artwork from the sidewalk in a heavily polluted, although highly trafficked area.
Almost end up on the street when you run out of money.
After stressing the lack of money, fruitlessly searching for a job, without a home, any capital, or a great condition of health, during one of the worst recessions of modern history.
Remember, how in the first week of architecture school, it was abundantly clear that your spacial imaging capabilities were a head above even the second most intelligent person in your class of 15, or so, and laugh, or maybe cry, at what's become of you.
Call your mother and have her cry, not because you are being denied the ability to try a very logically derived strategy to recover your health for lack of money, when your parents have assets worth millions, but because you don't think she, and her sister, her husband et. al. are smarter than you, although you are known to be in the %95 or higher where intelligence is concerned and you have no indication that any of these people truly are, or rather, both are equally intelligent as you are, and actually "give a shit" about what happens to you, or whether your basic rights are respected, while you get a fair chance to make a life for yourself.
End up living in an apartment, which it is later revealed has very bad air quality, being extremely drafty and in a polluted city, with roommates who are often not very friendly the best people you could find to live with you, while you get by on a shoe-string budget, which is less than people living in public housing have, and much less than people working minimum wage have.
Have an inability to gain simple medical tests due in part to a fear based on the precedent which has been set by the medical field of imprisoning you, and forcing drugs into your system BEFORE PROVING what they say about you is true.
You are in a bad apartment, have access to worse food, worse air, and more impure treatment (zinc) than you would have otherwise, and accidentally take to much zinc.
Realize it, get off the zinc completely to try to recover your blood counts, end up getting much sicker than you were before when you were copper deficient.
Go to the closest hospital, reachable by public transportation, thinking it will be made clear that the horrible sickness you incurred was due to copper overdosing, only for them to blame it all on your taking zinc, ignoring the fact that you admit you've made a mistake, saying you will definitely not do anything differently, and obviously failing to consider that maybe some a reduction in familial abuse would help, never mind a chance to get your life in order and pursue the things you have a talent to pursue without having people try to drug and sterilize you.
You never needed the hospital to tell you your blood counts were low, as you already knew that, but to emphasize how important they are there, they insist you be kept on because your blood counts are low, and again, the only way to stop this is through psychiatric drugs, such as risperdal/one.
Be put in a room with a man with both Alzheimers disease and a colostomy bag, arguably  among the worst possible scenarios for someone specifically recovering from a low blood count...
Be brought to court several times. Have the judges disrespect completely the logic of your arguments. Be proverbially slapped in the face by one judge who already knows your case is worthless, and a useless formality, according to him, before he awards the "decision" to the physician who in this second case, failed to bring his medical students to "teach them" because it was so obvious that the man was lying through his teeth in order to secure a hospitalization and ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL rights to medicate the person.
Only get released from that in order to be transferred back to NH in order to attend the wedding of your sister to a man, another "lawyer" who came on the scene just before these processes of hospitalizing you began, someone who seems  to have no objections, and therefore to be a real dirtbag, another such person, that is.
Have the surrogate guardian, a stand-in who only does your, as we noted, abusive father's wishes, ask that you be kept under lock and key for the rest of your life, so you can not escape the drugging.
(Remember, my "delusion" which allowed all these judicially, government-approved crimes to take place, was that I could determine something which might be otherwise undetectable, or recognizable, for various reason, which could be explained, and were, through my own nervous system)
Thankfully, have the workers at that office of the government affiliated mental health system, deny that you were a danger worthy of being locked up for life,without ever having a fair trial, or any chance of release.
Flee the are you grew up in again, to, once more, live in a difficult situation in an apartment, while trying to recover your health, shared with people with whom you have a tenuous relationship.
Be continually harassed my this abusive father who was always stupider than you, always crueler, always more of an animal, and have to look the guy in the eye over the video camera regularly, knowing that, in your home state, he still has the ability to drug you, and imprison you, at will, although, again you've been convicted of no crime, but only accused of believing something that isn't true, although that could never have been proven.
Come to me, and tell me, these people really are all better than you, and more intelligent, and that their offspring are the ones who are going to reduce crime, and injustice in the world.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

It's True, Isn't It: "Acetone is pretty nasty"?

Peter Richards
9:11 AM (36 minutes ago)

to classic-rendez.
Harvey, fwiw, I discovered this in a quick search, among other references to potential neurotoxic affects: "There is some evidence that commonly used ketones (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, and methyl isobutyl ketone) may potentiate the toxicity of n‐hexane and other solvents, a finding that raises doubts about the widely used method of calculating mixed solvent exposures based on the additivity of exposures" (
"On the basis of the results, it was proposed that the 6-hr permissible exposure limits for acetone, MEK, and cyclohexanone be reduced to less than 500, 200, and 150 mg/m^3, respectively" (
I did this research because my gut feeling was that acetone is not benign (not to say it's necessarily very carcinogenic, nor specifically deadly).
I don't follow your logic. This is why: the body's processes produce acetone, I would say, is a more specifically accurate statement than the human body produces acetone. That is to say, the acetone may be a by-product of metabolic processes, for example, it may be synthesized by the body from certain constituent molecules, which the body would be less able, if not unable to evacuate, in the previous state(s). Incidentally, if certain diets were to provide medical benefits while producing acetone in higher quantities (as is, apparently, the case), that may, possibly, happen in spite of, rather than due to, this acetone-producing-phenomena. Therefore, the very point you make may be interpreted to signify its toxicity, just as easily as it might be interpreted to signify it's of a benign-nature (after all, everything that is natural isn't necessarily benign). My first hand experiences do not provide for a controlled experiment (however, iirc: I sensed less noxious affects due to "Vicks," ostensibly containing naturally-derived turpentine [there are many types of turpentine, apparently], and certain "artist quality" solvents, than I did from my female family members' nail-polish-removers); hence, I would not, personally, jump to the conclusion that, in the same environments, acetone is the better choice, or, again, dare imply acetone is completely benign.
I would say: research the substances independently if you want to know more ("pick your poison"), then "follow your nose." Also, considering the chemical composition of your chosen glue(s) might be wise, as they may, later, react with solvents, or aggravate one's system when dust is created from mechanical means of removal. Finally, definitely do take some pains to use a well-ventilated area when dealing with such materials (also, use sparingly).

Peter "I don't need no stinking school" Richards
Chicago, Illinois, United States of America

On Saturday, January 5, 2013 3:21:18 PM UTC-6, John Taglia wrote:
Don et Alia,

Acetone is NOT extremely carcinogenic. Acetone probably more natural--at least to humans--than pine spirits as the human body produces acetone. 

Acetone is considered safe enough to be used routinely in cosmetics, medical compounds, and even in some food additives.  A commonly seen  around the house item with high amounts of acetone is nail polish remover. 

That said, while acetone is not a deadly toxin, in high concentrations acetone can be irritant. I would not advise drinking it.  But  the capsaicin in chili peppers is also an irritant, and I would not advise drinking a cup of Tabasco Sauce.

Also, acetone is far less than turpentine, which is toxic to the kidneys and nervous system, as well as being an irritant to skin and lungs.  Turpentine can be very dangerous for asthmatics.

Lots of "natural" compunds can be dangerous.  HCN--Prussic acid or hydrogen cyanide--can be easily refined from the pits of many fruits.


John "Had To Use Lots of Acetone in Organic Chemistry Lab I and II" Taglia
St. Joseph, Michigan

On Friday, January 4, 2013 8:09:54 PM UTC-5, Don wrote:
Acetone is an extremely toxic carcinogen, you should avoid using it as much as possible!

Instead of acetone, use pine spirits (turpentine), which is a more natural product.  I use it as a thinner and cleaner for tubular tire glue.  A number of years ago, a review was written about the "stickiness" of different types of tubular tire glue. It turns out that tubular tire glue affects rolling resistance.  It would be good to google for this review and make up your own mind.  I remember that one of the best glues was Vittoria Mastik one so I bought a tub of this glue as a result of this review.

I still find it difficult to mount tires without getting glue on the sidewalls !!

- Don Gillies
San Diego, CA, USA
On 1/4/13 8:09 PM, Don wrote:
Acetone is an extremely toxic carcinogen, you should avoid using it as much as possible!

Instead of acetone, use pine spirits (turpentine), which is a more natural product.  I use it as a thinner and cleaner for tubular tire glue. 
Harvey:  (1) Acetone is extremely flammable, and a nasty irritant. From reviewing a random 'material safety data sheet,' I don't find indications of carcinogenicity. Of course, my random selection (Millenia Productions, 1996, via Duke Physics web site)  might have been obsolete, but similarly the environmental fact sheet of the NH Department of Environmental Services (2005) reports no evidence of carcinogenicity, at least from inhalation.

Harvey:  (2). My day job is environmental (energy efficiency in buildings, with some background in indoor air quality, too). I'm always concerned when people imply that "more natural" is necessarily better. I'd remind you that asbestos is a "natural" product, mined in very much the same form as used. Of course, don't get me started on the hype on asbestos, at least not in this forum.

A number of years ago, a review was written about the "stickiness" of different types of tubular tire glue. It turns out that tubular tire glue affects rolling resistance.  It would be good to google for this review and make up your own mind.  I remember that one of the best glues was Vittoria Mastik one so I bought a tub of this glue as a result of this review.
Harvey: (3).  I'd love to see the testing on which that conclusion was based. From work that Jim Papadopoulos did a couple of decades ago, and from simple logic, I'd surely expect that tire air pressure and sidewall stiffness would vastly overwhelm any effect of glue differences.  My mental model of glue is that it's simply a coupling agent connecting the solid rim with the solid tire wall.  I haven't been able to think of a mechanism by which it could affect rolling resistance, if properly applied (so the tire isn't sliding around, or seated wrong).

But, I could be wrong, and hope to try some of the Vittoria Mastik you recommend.


harvey sachs
mcLean va usa