Friday, August 28, 2015

Returning to my point earlier about "power"...
All power is not bad...
But ill-begotten and abused power...
Of course is...
And you see...
If people don't have money...
It doesn't mean...
They don't wield, someway or another...
Such as by alliances...
With people whose work...
Otherwise might need to be paid...
Or with people who have the money...
And are willing to assist...
The same sort of power...
As may be wielded by money...
Therein, lies the "conundrum"...
Of certain communists' stance...
Which is, actually, overtly hypocritical...
As they are incredibly deceitful people...
If you can stand them long enough...
To investigate what they say, do...
Who their allegiances are...
It's like undercover police officers...
Or whatever of that sort...
Hunting a person for religious reasons...
Or out of racism, greed, or whatever.
And if Bernice and Ed Richards did not need to influence later people...
You see, it's still serving as a metaphor...
And that metaphoric relationship...
Itself suggests that later reciprocations of their initial stance was wrong...
So, it suggests they should be investigated...
This was the sort of point I would make at the time...
You see, but again...
There was a violence in all these people did...
It's a like a group of people...
Who have shown a disdain for someone...
Who have maybe passed a judgement on them...
Maybe because they already were truly criminals...
Maybe because they feared this person would be capable...
Of forcing them to reliinquish their truly-ill begotten gains...
(And don't fall for the arguments of a Ron Kollath, who will suggest...
Things that say there truly is no such thing as a crime...
Devilishly, as if to suggest, there was never...
Any initial infraction...
In the world, but always just opposing forces...
None, ultimately justified...
But all justified precisely, and as it would happen...
Oppositely, according to their own beliefs...)..
So, they are stuckin a chain of crime now, theoretically...
And they are attacking more innocent people....
In their paranoia...
Or legitimate fear...
But again, what is important...
That they are attacking innocent people...
Effectively trying to overpower...
These persons with force, which of course...
Equates to pure, absolutely unjustified..
Violence (whether or not you believe in a higher power)
In their group delusion...
Yes, they will even try to include the victim...
Doing everyhing in their power...
To wrongfully accuse them...
To wrongfully, and with, again, tremendous "selective blindness"...
Belittle them...
And again, it's akin to not just racism...
But what I might call racism of the most unjust and depraved, historically, of races (but, of course, knowing this, like the theoretical scenario I am proposing, the evasion of history's truth is an operation of mammoth proportions of deception they have been undertaking).
And, again, principalless people they are...
There will be bribes, threats, and anything (violence)...
To propogate and maintain their project of deception...
Or should be say "decapitation"?

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Trifling with Conceps of Sanity and Unsanity...

Is a patently evil...
Bit of "gamesmanship"...
But, really, take a look at the preceedings...
And tell me...
There isn't ample confusion...
Among persons of moderate intelligence...
And tell me that the concepts...
Of sanity and unsanity...
Haven't been utterly utterly...
Manipulated to become a mere tool...
In a power struggle...
Whereas truth has, also, been completely...
Ignored, treated as something relative...
As has, ironically, the idea of there...
Being a lone perceptible reality.

Multiple-Person Disorder...

Yes, we have come from "multiple-personality" disorders to...
Today, a "multiple-person-disorder"...
Where one lunatic has multiplied...
And it is a voracious person...
Now, representing a thousand "votes" of...
Threats of "assassinations"...
And who is this person?
And what else do they do?
Well he/she/they uses the word "lunatic"...
He/she/they manipulate(s) the court system...
The legislature...
Again, and he/she/they...
Is/are obviously, by dint of relentlessness...
Trying to insure him/her/their self/selves...
It's a massive gamble of course...
And others, of us. as we have seen, will be left without a choice...
But to take gambles...
To defeat the various infractions of logic, ethics, honesty...
Brotherhood, et. al....
Done by this/these person(s)...
In the name of their large words they profess. ie "sanity", "rationality" etc.

Edward W. Richards to Hon Peter Hurd...

"(Peter Richards) has no common sense...
How many dimes did he give to the niggers begging for alms downtown...
And how are these infidels going to repay him?
You see, your honour, he's utterly ignorant...
And like I said, practically a nigger himself...
A white nigger, your honour...
Don't judge by anything you see or hear...
You are getting sleepy...
Very very sleepy..."

Bernice Richards' Disbelief

That she can sway people, or fool them, I find hilarious...
What with Julie's makeup and all...
No, I am not complimenting Julie...
But really...
If she spends all her free time on makeup...
She can fool some ridiculous dolts...
Like many of the people I had been friends with at various junctures et. al...
Like all niggarldly people...
It's dismissed with a word, a consortium, and, if necessary, violence, yet it remains true.
Cowling, Elizabeth, ed. "Picasso: Style and Meaning". Phaidon: London, United Kingdom; 2002. (p. 269)
Cowling, Elizabeth, ed. "Picasso: Style and Meaning". Phaidon: London, United Kingdom; 2002. (pp. 150-1)

"Georges Rouault" from 'The Pocket Library of Great Art (collection)', text by Maritain, Jacques. not. Lieberman, William S. Harry N. Abrams Inc./Pocket Books: New York, New York, U.S.A.; 1954.
Dumas, Alexandre. "The Last Cavalier: Being The Adventures of Count Sainte-Hermine in the Age of Napoleon", Trans. Yoder, Lauren. Pegasus Books, New York, 2008.
(Random-page-exercise done last night, or rather, the night previous to that...
Which regained for me my "insane" confidence in this "method" after I read it)

Really, Bernice Richards is highly responsible...
For effectively placing me below, in close quarters...
To this ideologically vicious, inimical niggard-"father" Bill McFarland...
Honestly, the niggard is like a Malice Green would be when older, truly...
If he is not really him who managed to fake his death as a conspiracy...
And like Bernice Richards...
Say, if I am humming a tune...
That's when he starts playing trumpet...
Which makes me need to turn the music louder...
To drown him out...
Which makes the building manager target me...
It's a sheisty niggard folks...
I am on the ground here...
You should trust me...
If you don't, I guarantee, you probably don't care...
And anyone you tell you do, and that I have the best intentions...
But am an idiot, should know you are a liar...
And we know I sometimes make mistakes...
Like two weekends ago...
Being rude to that girl I didn't want sitting next to me really...
Although I am sure she is much better than I gave her credit for...
But I admitted that...
This is not one...
This man and his "wife" have shown time and again...
That they are inimical...
And again...
Bernice Richards...
Basically, is so ignorant...
When I try to get her to do the right thing...
Which she refuses to do, stalwartly...
That it is similar...
Where I then have to shout...
Over her...
Blathering ridiculousness...
Bernice Richards is clever...
These people I complain about all are...
I am sure of it...
There is a reason they purport to forget facts...
When they are presented, and logical conclusions put forth...
And use "collectivity" to justify these "crimes"...
They know the conclusion it leads to...
Helping me...
Hurting them...
Even though it would be justice you see...
And they swear no malice...
Only forgetfullness on their part...
But, you know, the results are doubtlessly malicious.