Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How to Identify True Psychopathology:

To identify true psychopathology, what is required is analysis, not so much of affirmed positions, stated allegiances, but of specific actions redolent of nihilistic ideology. In other words, when you notice that a person demonstrates a delusion of complete impunity: that is a psychopath (and a true enemy of the true God, and the true God's true prophets, incidentally).

"'I have committed many acts of cruelty and had an incalculable number of men killed, never knowing whether what I did was right. But I am indifferent to what people think of me'
-Genghis Kahn" (p. 36)
"Tyrants: History's 100 Most Evil Despots and Dictators" Cawthorne, Nigel. Metro Books. NY: 2012.

quoting from Jean Cocteau's adopted translaton of 'Antigone' by Sophocles:

"Greek phrase omitted in English translation. The line is Antigone's to Creon about the precedence of eternal divine law over contingent human law: 'For these [laws] have life, not simply today and yesterday, but forever, and no one knows how long ago they were revealed.' Sophocles, 'Antigone,' in Antigone, the Women of Trachis, Philoctetes, Oedipus at Colonus, ed. and trans. Hugh, Lloyd-Jones (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1994), Greek: 44, lines 456-7; English 45. Cocteau's adaptation was first staged in 1922; in 1927 it was set to music by Arthur Honneger. (383: note 68).
"Jazz Age Catholicism: Mystic Modernism in Post-war Paris 1919-1933," Schloesser, Stephen. University of Toronto Press. Toronto: 2005.

P.S. I am sure Ahaseurus (wiki) relishes being called a 'Jew', and thusly inciting rancor against such persons, as he would relish being denigrated for being a Persian: make no mistake about his lineage: it dates back to Akhenaton, the first tyrant detailed in Nigel Cawthorne's "Tyrants: History's 100 Most Evil Despots and Dictators"

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