Saturday, November 17, 2012

Common Sensicals

It is my true belief that our country's lawmakers, despite what they, and certain other persons, might have you believe, are, indeed, mortal, and fallible beings. For example, I think, no, you do not get a free ticket to hit people on bikes, if it is at night, and they are not flashing b/c of carrying an electronic device. A lot of the anti-biking laws are absolutely ridiculous. In fact, much greater taxes should be taken from, A. car buyers (esp. super-luxury cars), and B. the ridiculously wealthy, ie. hundreds of millions, or billions in net worth, to fund, among other things, safe, reliable transport for those needing it, because they have to travel at night, yet can not see well enough then, to spot objects that aren't glowing.
The bikers are risking enough already. If someone wants your money, car driver, bad enough to fling themselves in front of you to pretend you hit them, only being able to approach you because they had no lights, and it was at night, it's basically out of your hands whether they are able to rob you, or not, anyway. Hey, it's only money (not everything, although certain people may want you to believe it is, as well) anyway, right, and, if you need it drive extra slowly, and cautiously, each time you go out at night, or find a friend with superior night-vision (even better), and you'll be bound to win the case anyway.
(Edit: Advice to those with poor night-vision: concoct a test to determine whether, in fact, your friend has superior night-vision to you. Don't go around assuming their night vision is superior just because they tout it as such.)

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