Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Kill Him Before...

everyone finds out what sort of felonious whores we are. Our racket will be ruined. (more fictions).* By the way, if anyone hits me with their SUV, such as a local, investigate that person, and see, if like Morty in 'Goodfellas' they end up buying the wife a Cadillac. Then, as Costigan attempted to, in 'The Departed', "kill (the person)", ie. expose them, and put them behind bars.
This guy shot out from a parking spot just before where I often cross Lincoln Ave. today, and was swerving towards me, before I even left the bike lane. There I was stopped before entering the auto-lane, and the guy stopped. "(more fiction) He doesn't have any lights; you'll get off clean (my friend Judas Iscariot)."
P.S. Let's not forget, I was well in view of this person, I had been circling, waiting for the very ungenerous, and ungentlemanly, for that matter, main traffic to let off, for a moment, even stopping for a breath on the sidewalk (which, incidentally, was totally unpopulated by pedestrians at the time, for at least 200 ft. in all directions).
BTW: Repealing laws making it illegal for bikers to ride without lights, would, theoretically: A. decrease pollution. B. Put more pressure on lax drivers to pay attention, and slow themselves to a reasonable pace (which would benefit both safer drivers, pedestrians, loose puppies, etc.) C. Discourage espionage in the form of bribed, "make-it-look-accidental, you'll-get-off" automotive-homicide, and attempted homicide by automobile. Look at all the car accidents. Does no one realize this has, at least, something to do with the "low birthrate", and declining population sizes in first world countries?

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