Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"We Wouldn't Want Him to Start Writing Down Plates"

Idea for a fictive piece:
People are trying to, covertly, eliminate a person they consider a threat to 'law and order (although, they're delusional about what those terms should men)' and they are able to secure vehicles (such as a late-model black Ford Explorer/Expedition, and temporary license plates (such as 660XLY). This person, a protagonist of the story, biking, notices a person in aforementioned type vehicle with aforementioned license plate (Il) speeding unnecessarily, and remembers it is not the first person with a late model  American-made vehicle and a temporary plate driving furiously in his close whereabouts, when biking, in recent times. At a speed bump, he decides to lose this person, and their SUV. Soon after, as if to distract him and make him remember, a person who finally enters a building (or hides between buildings) near the intersection, just south of Lincoln, with the nearest parallel road, riding his clunky green mountain bike in the middle of the pathway threatens to kick his ass because he hasn't verbally alerted him that he will pass him. He, after being passed on the left, with ample space, by the protagonist, starts complaining that he wasn't verbally alerted; then, on a downhill, where the path passes under a bridge, charges ahead to re-pass the protagonist, yelling 'on your left'. He urges the protagonist to pass him back, and threatens violence once more. He is in his forties, with dark hair, and a medium complexion, medium build, no facial hair at this time, wearing his hair slicked back. Incidentally, later a person driving another SUV license plate A77 8377 proves they are a gas-wasting moron.

So, later in the fictive piece, the protagonist goes to the officials to find information on the SUV driver who had the temporary plates. Those are public records. The number he remembers is off. Well, he asks 'How many cars meeting that description could have license plates similar to that, nevermind  a driver meeting the description of he who was dirivng (male w/ darkish complexion) at any given time? Can't we see if their wasn't a similar plate issued for a similar car recently?' -'The law doesn't work that way.' -'You just make it up as you go, don't you?'

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